When we flew in, we all noticed that there was an addition to the back of the school. It looked like a garage and there was also a helipad at the top with about a dozen helicopters and planes.
When we got back our schedules had changed. Instead of us taking guns still we were taking Mechs, and instead of 5 miles, it was 8 miles. Instead of boxing it was hand to hand combat.
We had fun in Mechs because we got to ride in a walker. The garage was the new addition at the back of the school. The Mechs had missile launchers and 70mm machine guns. They were kind of hard to maneuver though. Some were airborne so those who had taken pilot classes could use those. The airborne ones had jetpacks and heat seeking missiles along with cannons and 70mm machine guns. We did practice in them in a simulation room with stun rounds and instead of missiles we had plastic sticks.
Hand to hand combat was kind of boring because we had to do the same thing over and over but it was also fun because we got to beat up dummies. The knifes were light and deadly. Those who took medical class could use throwing knifes because they knew the vital organs and veins. Us who took Mech class got to practice with Mechs in hand to hand combat.
"Hey Dan watch out!" I screamed as I punched Dan's Mech.
"You watch out!" He screamed as he grabbed my Mechs arm and swung me over his shoulder.
I then kicked his back and he fell forward. Then I pulled my bladeless knife (which was for practice) and stabbed him and won the match.
We unsuited and talked.
"These Mechs are easy once you get used to them." Dan said.
"Yeah that's how I killed you." I teased.
"Next time I'll beat you." he said.
"You wish." I teased back.
"Who won the other match?" I asked.
The winner from our match battles the winner from another match.
"I think Emma." Dan answered.
"Great." I said.
When it comes to hand to hand, Emma gets vicous. When she was in her first match against a real Mech she won in a couple of seconds by kicking it and stabbing it like I did to Dan.
"Hey Exxon looks like its you and me buddy." Emma said jokingly.
"Yep and get ready to be beat." I teased back.
She started off by swinging a left and I anticipated it, so I caught it and kicked her body but she didn't fall so she punched me in the face and I was dazed. I pulled my bladeless knife and sliced at her body and her vitals went down visually on my HUD. She stumbled back and kicked me in the body. I went down and as she went to stab me I put my arm up and blocked her blade and threw her back. She was surprised.
"Didn't know you had that in you." she said.
"Well then your gonna get a couple more surprises then." I said back.
She lunged at me and I rolled to the side dodging her attack and then I spun around. She got up as I lunged at her with my knife. I stabbed her and won.We unsuited then.
"Wow, I didn't know you could roll like that." Emma said.
"I didn't either until I tried." I answered.
"Well I guess we found out." she said.
"Yep." I said.
"How did Joan do?" I asked.
"Pretty good, but she falls alot." Emma answered.
"Well let's get to running." I said.
Fortunately Mechs don't take a lot of energy to use so we can run afterwards. As we got there we saw that there was stuff on the track. We had been running 8 miles for 2 weeks now and could do it in less than 50 minutes now. So maybe this was to challenge us.
As we went on the track, our teacher says that we are running an obstacle course today instead of 8 miles.
The course at the beginning has four jumps, then two slides, then four rolls, and then eight crawls.
It was difficult the first round but then after the second we could do it faster.
After we went to dinner, we hung out in Emma's room because her and Joan have the biggest TV. We all were talking about how much we've changed. We all had gotten bigger in muscsle mass but not to much. The girls still got muscle but not too much. Same for us guys.
We all slept and got ready for tomorrow.
The next three weeks were fine but we all took pilot classes and those were interesting.
We flew fighter jets and helicopters. We could then use airborne Mechs. Those were awesome because they handle so smooth compared to regular Mechs.
The pilot classes were boring other than the flying part. The boring part was learning angles and coordinates. Us six basically did the same things so we could stay together.
We finally went back home for a day and said hi to everyone who realized we were all bigger. They were really surprised. By the time were done telling them everything, the day was over and we had to go back.
The Year 3670
Science FictionThe year is 3670, our world is dying and we need to go on another planet. But when a spaceship finds aliens we are at war. Follow sixteen year old Exxon and his friends in their training as they prepare for war.