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The considerations bother Yoongi for a whole of two weeks until things come to a head and he once again meets Hope, but under different and complicated circumstances.

Namjoon has gathered a mini horde and rampages into one of many of Hope’s hangouts, where they know the brunet to be bidding his time. Their numbers are about evenly matched, but they are in their territory and Yoongi knows for a fact that they have a warehouse full of ammunition and machine guns just two blocks away.

He had told Namjoon this, but the silver haired had blocked out his words in anger. It made Yoongi wonder what he had ever seen in Namjoon, but then he would remember the man’s grins and his laugh and then remind himself that Namjoon is a man willing to do anything for money and power.

“You’re selling on my land!” Namjoon yells as soon as they enter the hangout, his metal baton skidding across the cement loudly. “Fuck!”

“Now, now,” Hope holds up his hands in mock surrender, easily jumping off a crate he’s been sitting on top of, two men immediately taking up his flank. “Demand is high, my friend. I can’t help that your people come to me for their goods.”

“It’s on my land, half the profit is mine,” Namjoon growls, his fists clenched tight and his expression livid.

Hope moves his hands to his hips, contemplating with his eyes raised to the ceiling before looking back at Namjoon with a devious smirk. “I’m afraid I can’t do that.”

Namjoon takes a step forward, raising the baton. “Excuse me?”

“Namjoon,” Yoongi warns, glancing between the two.

“I said,” Hope starts, enunciating the words slowly as if speaking to a five year old. “I. Cannot. Do. That.”

“Fuck you, bastard!” Namjoon shouts, motioning for the guys behind him to attack.

“No, wait!” Yoongi yells, trying to stop them, but they only hesitate for a second before Hope’s men are coming at them. “Damnit!”

Fists are flying and knives are swinging around, trying to slice skin in all the wrong ways. In the middle of a fight with someone he doesn’t recognize, Yoongi glances over to where Hope and Namjoon are going at it; Namjoon swinging his baton and missing for the most part. There’s a resounding slap of metal against skin and Yoongi falters for a moment as his eyes widened, taking in the sight of Hope on the ground, belly down and unmoving as Namjoon raises his baton with its aim set on Hope’s neck.

“Namjoon, no!” Yoongi yells, a panic setting over him.

The raven haired is tackled for lowering his defense, but the pain is numb compared to the picture of Hope’s face down on the ground motionless. Thankfully, Yoongi’s scream gains Namjoon’s attention and he moves to free Yoongi from the hold his attacker has on him. In that small amount of time, Yoongi watches over Namjoon’s shoulder as Jimin lifts Hope’s arm around his neck and pulls him up, the brunet coughing up blood but alive.

“I think they get the message, Namjoon,” Yoongi moves his eyes to the man in front of him, his eyebrows creased and his lips tight.

Namjoon twists his body around to glare and pull his lips back in a snarl. “This isn’t over!”

Jimin sneers at Namjoon as he leans heavily, supporting Hope’s weight. “Then why are you running away, bitch?”

Namjoon makes to stand, but Yoongi holds him back with his hand on the inside of the other man’s elbow. “Leave it, Namjoon. They’ve had enough!” the raven haired says as he waves a hand at all the people lying belly down on the ground; most of them part of Hope’s gang.

Namjoon spits his distaste at Jimin and Hope’s shoes before he offers his hand to Yoongi. The raven haired, however, stands up on his own, patting his hands on his pants twice. “Let’s get out of here,” Namjoon murmurs as he skulks passed Yoongi, keeping his vision down.

Yoongi chances one more look at Hope, being surprised when the other is staring at him, too. Hope mouths a ‘thank you’ and Yoongi nods in acknowledgement, his expression undecided before he turns and follows Namjoon out. It only takes ten minutes to get back into their territory and that’s when Yoongi stops Namjoon with a hand on his shoulder and a livid expression.

“What the fuck was that back there?!” Yoongi yells as they stand on the corner of the sidewalk.

Namjoon looks around the area before he drags Yoongi away from the rest of the retreating group and takes him into a nearby alley. “You heard me, right? Those bastards were selling on our land!”

“And what were you doing a few months ago?” Yoongi retorts, slapping Namjoon’s hand off his arm.

“That was before I knew Rabbit was dead!” Namjoon shouts, running his bloody hands through his hair in frustration.

“Bullshit!” Yoongi thrusts his hand in the air then proceedes to agitatedly rub his face with the same hand. “I know you’re not just a good looking guy, Namjoon. If there is anything I learned while we were together, it’s that you’re smart. Maybe oblivious, but smart. You had to have known that there was something up when we didn’t hear from Rabbit in so long.”

Namjoon keeps his mouth shut, but Yoongi sees his adam's apple dip as he swallows. Yoongi advances on Namjoon until the silver haired is against the wall, holding his hand out. “Yoongi, I … I didn’t—“

“Fuck you, Namjoon!” Yoongi winds his arm back and snaps it, letting his fist crack with Namjoon’s jaw and feeling satisfied when the man falls to the ground. “You knew the entire time, but you kept quiet! And because you did, some arrogant asshole almost got me killed and broke my arm!”

“Yoongi!” Namjoon spits out blood, looking up at the raven haired as he holds his jaw protectively. “It’s not like that!”

“Yeah?! Then what’s it like?!” Yoongi’s fists are clenched tight at his sides, his chest heaving as he pants. “Fuck!” he shouts, tilting his head back so his voice escapes into the sky. “That’s it! I’ve had it. I’m moving out.”

“Yoongi, please,” Namjoon pleads, getting himself to his knees.

“No!” the raven haired shakes his head. “There’s nothing you can say to change my mind. I won’t be around the group for a few days, so tell everyone to kindly fuck off!”

Yoongi can still hear Namjoon calling out for him even after he vacates the alley and marches anywhere but there. He doesn't know where he's gonna stay, but it wouldn’t be that much of a problem; he’ll even stay under the stars if he has to.

Yoongi stomps all the way to the river before he takes a deep breath and let it out, rubbing the tips of his fingers over his eyes; a sudden exhaustion taking over him. Now he has to think about finding his own place and maybe trying to find a better job to support said place. Yoongi groans in frustration as he kneels down, putting his head between his knees and a hand over the back of his neck.

In the end, he stays at the river for a good few hours until the sun starts to go down. The water is beginning to attract bugs and Yoongi doesn't really feel comfortable in the grass any longer. Before he knows where his feet are taking him, he winds up on the roof of the building across from the hangout Hope usually buzzes around. He'd just leaned his hands on the cement ledge when he hears now familiar footsteps behind him and he wonders idly when they have become recognizable.

Yoongi blinks before turning and sitting on the ledge, eyeing Hope carefully as he makes his way over. There's a small limp, but it isn’t from a leg injury. He is stiff when he walked, which makss Yoongi wonder if it's a chest problem.

“Namjoon gave you hell.”

“Three bruised ribs and one broken,” Hope nods, reaching down to the hem of his shirt and lifting it up to reveal the wrapped gauze just a little below his chest, underneath. "I underestimated him."

Yoongi clicks his tongue, looking away and chews his lip. “Fuck it,” he whispers in an undertone as he lifts himself off the building’s ledge and rushes to Hope.


There's graphic smut on the next chapter. Finally. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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