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They have to walk to the Hangsang's main hiding spot, but it only takes fifteen minutes. The entire time, Taehyung is trying to get Yoongi to turn around; telling him it's a bad idea and they're just going to get themselves hurt or worse.

“He’s not going to let anything happen to me,” Yoongi reassures.

“How can you be so sure?”

Yoongi’s step slowed as he ponders. How did he know that? “It’s just the way he seems obsessed with me. Maybe that’s the wrong word. I dunno, fuck, man. Fuck, I sounded narcissistic,,” Yoongi cards his fingers through his hair.

“He generally seems interested in me.”

“You’re falling for him,” Taehyung states with a hint of wonder.

Yoongi responds with a sigh and a shake of his head, dropping the conversation. If he doesn't admit it, it won't be as hard to pull himself away later.

When he steps into the hangout, coming face to face with the man he'd been avoiding for the better part of two weeks, he just about eat his words. Hoseok seems excited to see him until he takes in Taehyung’s profile and then his expression is tight and calculating, a question hanging in the air.

“Yoongi,” Hoseok greets, handing whatever he's been doing to Jimin.

“Hope,” Yoongi replies. Even if Hoseok had told him to use his real name, it doesn’t seem proper in this setting.

Hoseok steps forward tentatively, his hands by his side and palms facing forward. “What’s going on?" he casually asks.

“Here to straighten something out,” the raven haired replies, blinking slowly as he looks to the ground and then backs up at Hoseok again. “What plan are you hiding?”

Hoseok tilts his head, his face twisting into confusion. “I don’t know what you mean,” he answers. “Are you talking about rerouting my guns? Because that’s the only plan—“

“Stop fucking around,” Yoongi yells, startling the few others that were around. “Taehyung overheard you a few weeks back. Now tell me what you have planned,” the raven haired reaches behind him and pulls out a glock from his pants, clicking the safety off. “Or I shoot. And I know you can’t ninja your way from a bullet.”

Taehyung audibly gasps at his side while Hoseok’s eyes widen in surprise and anxiousness. “Yoongi, put the gun down,” the brunet tip-toes closer, his hands now extended out in front of him. “No one needs to get shot.”

Yoongi cocks the gun and points it back at Hoseok. “No one’s gonna get shot if you just tell me what you’re planning to do with me.”

Hoseok stops walking forward, his palms still up in surrender. “I’m not planning anything with you,” his eyes widen impossibly further and he shakes his head quickly. “Fuck, I mean—“

Yoongi fires a round at Hoseok’s feet and the man barely blinks an eye. Yoongi narrows his own crystal orbs, cocking the gun once again. “Stop bullshitting.”

“I’m not bullshitting you, Yoongi,” Hoseok replies, his jaw clenching. “I want to tell you everything, but I can’t exactly do that with a gun pointed at my head.”

"Another head, you mean. It’s actually pointed at your dick,” Yoongi clarifies. “Better than a bullet to your skull, I think.”

“Yoongi, please."

“No!” the raven haired yells, the gun shaking in his hand as his body lurches. “I’m tired of people keeping shit from me! I’m tired of being the last person to know everything! I’m tired of being used and feeling like I’m worthless and nothing more than a good fuck!”

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