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In the end, he’d had to get a buzz cut, but in two years, he assured himself that he'd be able to grow it out and that thought alone gave him the strength to went on. He was passed through different offices and buildings alike, making his way into the service as a private of the Army, something he had never once dreamed of doing. The first year was devoted to physical training in a boot camp and Yoongi was just so ready to get it over with. It happened, however, that he was better than most of the other cadets. He assumed that life on the streets had done at least one good thing for him. It wasn’t long after that, too, that Yoongi found himself earning ranks.

Yoongi was Private First Class within six months and his superior officers were astounded by his quick rise in ranks. Yoongi wasn't exactly sure how he felt about it all, but it's good training to his muscles and it was nice having decent meals every day. After the year had passed, Yoongi was sent overseas where he and a team were grouped for a small expedition. The mission lasted for three months and in that time, Yoongi’s superiors were happy to announce that his rank rose up once again, that time as Specialist. And that’s when shit really hit the fan.

Yoongi was called to be second on missions, was asked his opinions on situations and ideas he had. At one point, Yoongi found Taehyung in the barracks on a mission and they caught up. Taehyung and Jimin were put into different squads, but they still wrote letters to each other. It's nice visiting with him, but the mood turned foul when Taehyung asked him about Hoseok.

In all honesty, Yoongi hadn’t heard from him since that day in the Civi. After he was handed over to the military, Yoongi had caught not a word of the other; not even through the chain of command. But then again, that could have been due to the fact that Hoseok was stationed somewhere.

After his brief visit with Taehyung, Yoongi didn’t hear from the rest of them at all; not having gotten Taehyung’s information to send him letters. After his two years of contracted service is up, Yoongi was allotted the title of Corporal and given a month to think his decision over if he wanted to stay in the army or if he wanted to be discharged. The raven haired ended up taking an apartment in his old city, albeit downtown from the Mono's area. The gang was now disbanded so was the Hangsang.

From what he had heard, Namjoon had survived the bullets to his abdomen and was sent to prison for life. Yoongi was relieved from the news, since, after all, Namjoon was his ex-lover. He loved Namjoon at some point. But he still felt a bit tense in the city.

It's a late day for Yoongi, one day in August as he is pouring himself some milk in a glass, having just made breakfast even though it's already early afternoon. He's going out with Taehyung and Jimin later on; surprised when Taehyung had phoned him a few days ago saying he and Jimin are in the area as well and wanted to catch up. Still no word from Jungkook, but Taehyung assured Yoongi that he decided to stay in the Army as a medic and Yoongi just snickered. It's good the boy had finally found his calling; he had always wanted to be a doctor after all.

Yoongi had just sat down at his breakfast nook and turned on the tv when a knock comes from his door. Grumbling, Yoongi sets down his fork and pats over to the door. He throws it open, expecting to yell at the interruption of his breakfast when he's suddenly shoved back into his apartment and is crowded against the door, closing it with his body weight as his assailant moves him. Yoongi's about ready to lay down some of the moves he'd learned in his military training when he realizes they would probably do little against one Jung Hoseok.

Yoongi’s eyes widen in surprise as he takes in the other’s appearance, the man now twenty four, with a curly mess of brunet hair atop his head; the same length it had been two years ago and he still looks handsome as ever.

He doesn't change one bit, and it stings somewhere deep in Yoongi. He brings up his hand and Hoseok must have expected him to cup his jaw, but Yoongi clenches his fingers tight into a fist and socks him good against his cheek, knocking the man to the ground.

“You fucking asshole!” Yoongi screams. “Two fucking years with no contact and you just expect me to welcome you with open arms?!”

Despite the angry red mark marring his cheek, Hoseok is just grinning wildly, an overjoyed expression painted on his face.

“Nice to see you, too, Yoongi.”

Hoseok gets to his feet and Yoongi beats on his chest a few times in frustration. Hoseok lets him.

“You fucking asshole. Just walk back into my life like nothing happened and I can’t even be mad for ten minutes.”

“I must just be that awesome,” Hoseok grins confidently.

“You’re lucky the military took all my artillery,” Yoongi biffs Hoseok’s shoulder, only then taking in the badges and buttons that upgraded and changed. “Colonel, huh?”

Hoseok glances down at his badge and looks back up at Yoongi sheepishly. “Yeah, got a bit more under my belt now. But then again, so do you, Corporal.”

Yoongi’s face flushes red as he looks away, moving from foot to foot as he crosses his arms.


Yoongi is cut off by Hoseok shoving him into the door once more, pressing his mouth against his urgently. Yoongi unwinds his arms to bring them around Hoseok’s neck and pulls him closer as the brunet's own arms circle around Yoongi’s hips, hoisting him up onto the door. Yoongi wraps his legs around Hoseok’s waist as they kiss, their breath hot, their tongues lapping wildly against each other and it's just so, so familiar. God, how he misses this; how he misses him.

Yoongi breaks the kiss after a short while, resting his forehead on top of Hoseok’s, letting a satisfied grin takes his lips.

“You know it’s illegal to date a superior officer,” Yoongi reprimands, flicking Hoseok’s ear.

“Well, it’s a good thing you’re not in my squad then, pretty," Hoseok retorts with a smirk of his own before he kisses Yoongi blissfully again.


This is the end. Thank you so much for reading this. 💜💕

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