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Yoongi startles awake, a breathing mask placed over his face and white pristine walls surrounding him. Frenetic with the knowledge that Hoseok is not anywhere near him, Yoongi sits up in the bed he's placed on, ripping the mask off his face and the IV out of his arm. The heart monitor flat-lined as he takes the piece off his finger and stands on his wobbly legs.

He needs to find Hoseok—needs to make sure he's alright. He stumbles out of his room, highly aware that he's in hospital shorts and a gown but giving no fucks as he makes his way down the hall until he finds a sign to guide him to the ICU. If Hoseok is out of surgery, that’s where he’ll be.

Yoongi doesn't want to think of the morgue. Not yet.

Yoongi is just about to the ICU hall when he hears hurried footsteps coming closer. He turns into a janitor’s closet and waits for them to pass before he ventures back out, looking both ways before going on.

Police? Yoongi shakes his head. They look more like military guards. What in the flying fuck are they doing in the hospital?

Yoongi mulls over the question for all of two minutes until he comes up to the ICU hall, seeing the same men standing in front of two others. The raven haired watches them switch out, the two men that had passed him now keeping watch on a room.

Yoongi narrows his eyes and hides behind the door as the men that are once guarding the room walk by. Then like a light bulb, Yoongi remembers hat Hoseok had been in the military. But that doesn't explain why they're guarding his room—unless he had never left or they are going to arrest him. Yoongi has to know for sure and now with the addition of guards, getting into that room is going to be a lot more difficult. And it might not have even been Hoseok’s room. The raven haired sees his opportunity roll by him; a nurse with a cart of meals and passing doctors.

He makes the nurse trip on his foot, and she in turn goes crashing into a few doctors. It gets the men’s attention, nodding to each other before they gallop over to lend a hand. Yoongi darts passed them, skipping into the room and shutting the door silently behind him. He doesn't have much time, he knows, but it's enough. Yoongi steadies himself with a breath before he turns around and walks further into the room to get a look at the face of the person in the bed. Like a flood, relief washes over Yoongi and his knees felt weak as he takes in Hoseok’s face, covered in a breathing mask and wrapped in a hospital blanket from shoulder to toe all except for his arms.

Yoongi walks over, grasping Hoseok’s hand tightly in his own, bringing the man’s fingers to his mouth to kiss individually before he rests them on his forehead.


The raven haired pulls down Hoseok’s bedding and finds the brunet's chest wrapped in gauze, blood and puss staining the fabric. He's hurt, but he's alive. The bullet must have just missed his heart. He's a lucky bastard. Yoongi smiles widely as silent tears come to his eyes. Yoongi doesn't realize he had lingered too long until the door to the room opened and the men from before come barreling in.

“You’re not permitted to be here,” one of them says as the other comes over and grabs Yoongi by his forearm and hauls him up.

“This is the one that was brought in with him,” the other says, struggling with his hold on Yoongi as the raven haired jerks and twists to get away.

“Major General Kim Seokjin wants to see him as soon as he's awake,” the taller one nods, ushering them all out of the room.

Yoongi doesn't want to leave; wants to be there when Hoseok wakes up. He, however, finds himself back in his room, cuffed to the damn cot and given a paper cup of water as he waits for the man in charge, or so he assumes. There are men outside of his own door, now, so even though he can pick his way out of the cuff, he wouldn’t be able to get passed the guards lest he wish to break his spine jumping from the window that was four stories up.

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