- Three -

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It was all gone.

The professor had yelled at me for not paying attention to the class but i still couldnt focus. All i could think about was the feeling on my skin as my words were disappearing from my arm.

My phone buzzed and i finally looked away from my arm and pulled my phone out of my back pocket.

From Minhyuk

"Come to my place after class"

"We're gonna party"

I groaned. The last thing i wanna do is party with Minhyuk. He's gonna make me drink and then hes gonna be the first one to get drunk and pass out. Im always left to deal with the aftermath. Being the good friend that i am, i cant miss his one year anniversary with his beloved soulmate. He's my best friend afterall.

"Sure, ill see you at 6"

"You better have some good whiskey"

Classes ended faster than i had expected. I looked down at my bare arm again and sighed before packing up my bags and heading towards my friends place. He hadnt texted me since the invite, pretty strange of him. He would usually check up a hundred times to make sure that i came.

I walked quickly to get there and ask him what he was up to. Something didnt feel right. I successfully managed to distract myself from my ink-bare arms and worried about Minhyuk instead.

When i arrived to his house, the door swung open before i even managed to knock and i was pulled in by Hyunwoo. He cupped his hand over my mouth when i tried to speak and looked back into the house before leading me to Minhyuk's room. I tried squirmkng out of his grip but the guy is like a damn wall, there aint no getting past him.

"What the hell?" i whisper-yell when he finally lets me go and closes the door. I see Minhyuk sitting on the edge of his bed with his head hidden in his hands. I quickly sat next to him before he spoke. "I saw Jooheon today" He looked up smiled. Why would he be smiling after meeting his ex? And isn't weird talking about this in front of Hyunwoo? "I invited him to the party along with his friends. Kihyun is entertaining them downstairs." my face scrunched up in utter confusion as i looked over to Hyunwoo to see if he was also hearing the nonsense that i was hearing. Hyunwoo just smiled and nodded. Whats with their smug expressions. What in the world is going on?

"We just wanted to tell you before you see him so you wouldnt jump at his throat" i dont even know what he looks like, how would i do that? Minhyuk laughed and started pushing me out of the room. I kept making weird noises while trying to grasp what was happening.

The three of us walked downstairs and were greeted by a room full of people who all started applauding seeing the happy couple with an irrelevant me in the middle. I tried to find Kihyun in the mass of people and while doing so i spotted three insanely attractive men at his side. One of them was intensely staring into my soul and it made me strangely uncomfortable but i couldnt look away.

His eyes were so entrancing and his facial features were simply gorgeous. After what seemed like long minutes of staring he flashed a soft smile and his eyes turned into cute half moons. It was as if the sun was in the same room as me. I felt heat rise in my body before i finally turn away and cover the bottom half of my face. I look up at Minhyuk with wide eyes. I knew it was him. That was Lee Jooheon. Minhyuk rubbed my shoulder with a huge ass grin on his face. "He attacked me" i breathed out in a quiet shaky voice before both Hyunwoo and Minhyuk burst out laughing. They started pushing me through the crowd towards Kihyun and the pretty boys.

Gotta stay loyal to my soulmate. Must stay loyal. I have to be loyal. Loyal. Loyal

I kept repeating it in my head as i approached them. All eyes were on us because i was between the main couple as if i was their adopted child. Kihyun suddenly jumped out at me and hung around my neck and then he dragged me to the squad of handsomes for introductions. "Kyun-ah, this lovely couple is Hyungwon and Hoseok" he said pointing to the tall lean figure with amazing hair and thick lips, he looked like a model and the other with a huge bodybuilder body, even wider than Hyunwoo, but his face looked soft and he wore a gummy smile that made him look harmless. What an odd pair. I bowed my head and tried to smile despite being blinded by their beauty.

I tried to open my mouth to greet them and introduce myself but Kihyun hurriedly interrupted my action. "Guys this is my baby, Changkyun" he said as he squished my cheeks. I just stood there and rolled my eyes, accidentally making eye contact with Jooheon who seemed unamused.

"Nice to meet you" the Hoseok guy said with a slight lisp that mimicked Kihyun's and extended his hand. All i could focus on were his arm muscles shifting under his shirt at the movement. Wah, puts my little twigs to shame. I grabbed his hand politely and lowered my head again.

Kihyun grabbed my face and turned it to Jooheon. Getting annoyed at his closeness i rip him off of me and then he gestures to Jooheon again after clearing his throat. "As you know, this is Jooheon" he smirked.

I couldnt look him in the eye but i still bowed a little and mumbled a small nice to meet you before Minhyuk switched the attention to himself by grabbing a microphone.

Minhyuk and Hyunwoo were reciting some sappy stories about their love and then they started singing. I just stood on the opposite side of Kihyun, using him to shield myself from the beautiful men on the other side. I felt like someone was observing my every move, every breath but i couldmt make myself look over to the side. I just awkwardly brushed my hair back away from my face before Kihyun gasped and grabbed my wrist.

He looked at my hand where i had forgotten that i got burnt earlier today. "What happened to you? Did you get into a fight?" he shouted, grabbing the attention of probably half the country. For some reason i looked rgiht past his shoulder and met eyes with Jooheon again who stared at me so damn intensely.

I kept our gaze locked onto each other as i spoke. "I just spilled my coffee this morning" i said slowly as my eyes wandered down Jooheon's body and stopped at his hand that was bandaged. Jooheon's eyes travelled along with mine before we looked at each other and then he looked at my hand that Kihyun was still holding. It was the same hand... nah it cant be, coincidence, simple coincidence thats all.

Jooheon didnt seem to think so. He looked incredibly shocked and almost...scared? I narrowed my eyes at him almost questioning his reaction but he just looked away and hid his arm behind his body. I took a step towards him and broke Kihyun's grip on my wrist but was stopped when Minhyuk shouted my name through the microphone probably expecting me to sing with him or something.

I slowly look back, my face twisted into an angry scowl as i glare up at Minhyuk. He visibly gulps and his lips twitch into an awkward smile while his eyes looked apologetic. While staring directly into his eyes, i pull back my sleeve. I grab my forearm with my opposite hand and dig my nails hard into my skin. Right behind me i hear Jooheon wincing in pain. Minhyuk glaces at his ex-boyfriend before looking at me again and opening his mouth to speak. I put my hand up to stop him. "You knew it was him all along?" i didnt have to shout over the crowd because everyone had quieted down to watch the drama unveil.

I pointed at Hyunwoo then i turned to Kihyun who looked so sad with pity in his eyes. "You all knew" i didnt even ask it as a question, knowing that they all knew and chose to leave me in the dark. My arm was throbing, my heart was pounding and my mind was spinning, i felt like i was going insane.

I look back at Jooheon who still looked just as shocked as he held onto his forearm. He also tried to open his mouth to speak but i shook my head. "Don't fucking talk to me" i said so quietly that only he could hear it. My voice was strained from holding back tears.

All of these people have made me waste 22 years if my life wondering when i was going to meet my soulmate and this ass never replied. He exists, he sees my messages every day and willingly decides not to asnwer. My closest friends lying to me for years while watching me struggle. They all knew...

I took in Jooheon's features one more time before pushing through the crowd of people and heading out of this place before i throw a fit.

They all knew....


Dramama ramama ramama HEY!!

Oop idk what im doing anymore
This story went from 0 to 100 so damn fast
And its only been one day...

Oh well~

Hope you still enjoy this

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