Twelve Years Later...

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I felt an electric shock run through my veins and through every bone and muscle in my body. I awoke with a gasp, panting for a long delayed breath. Breathing felt so good. I filled my lungs once again. I smelled must, dirt and sweat. My hearing my came around as I heard men and women shouting, phantom voices trying to talk to me. I slowly opened my eyes, seeing strange faces, surrounded by eye goggles and surgical masks. I sat up quickly, too quickly for my body’s liking. I became dizzy and was pushed down by a few people surrounding me. I suddenly felt a sensation of movement. I was being carried on a stretcher.

I turned my head to search for Will. If I was alive he couldn’t be far. Soon I saw his stretcher roll next to mine. An oxygen mask was on his face, like mine, but his eyes weren’t open. Men and women in white coats were trying to revive him, but it didn’t seem like it was working.

“Will,” I cried, but the words only came out as a whisper. Tears stung my eyes and I broke. I sobbed uncontrollably, staining the pillow that supported my head with the salty tears.

The strangers that were pushing the stretchers got us to an ambulance and loaded us in the cab. Will was hooked up to an IV and a breathing machine, along with many other tubes and wires I didn’t know what were for. Two men began CPR, one holding an AED machine, hooking it up to his bare chest. A woman began speaking to me with urgency in her voice.

“What is your name?” she asked. I was too stunned to reply. “ What happened? Do you have any family with you?” I turned my head to face Will.

“Is Will going to be okay?” I managed to say.

“He will be fine. Is he your brother?” I looked down at my hand, focusing on my ring finger, looking for an answer.

“He is my Fiancé” I replied.

“Oh. Well, he will be fine. How old are you?”

“Seventeen.” I stated, although I wasn’t sure. “How much time has passed since the attack?” I asked.

“Twelve years,” she said.

My eyes grew wide. 12 years underneath the rubble. “I’m 29,” I said quietly. She wrote some notes down on a clipboard.

“Where were you born?” she inquired.

“The Kingdom of Lee,” I said proudly.

“Very good. What are your parents’ names?” she asked.

“George Leeoff and Ariana Leeoff.”

“Can you tell me some more about Will?” her voice had become sweet and caring.

“His name is William Teel Baylor, he is seventeen; he was born in the Kingdom of Lee; his parents are Margaret and Jonathan Baylor; his birthday is October eighteenth.” I listed all of Will’s vital information.

“Thank you. I will ask you again and then leave you to rest,” she said, “What is your name?”

“Ainia Marie Leeoff.”

“Very good. I understand that all this can be difficult for you. Twelve years is a long time for you to be in a coma. If you need anything, please ask.” She scribbled my name down on a clipboard and slid it on a hook attached to my stretcher. She wrote down Will’s information and did the same with his clipboard. Everything was happening so fast, and I was in such a tired shock, that I forgot to ask the most important question. She turned to enter a different part of the truck, and I called out to her urgently.

“Miss, have you found my baby?”

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