Chapter One

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I awoke to Will’s warm body next to mine. The window was open, blowing the silky curtain into the air and letting light from the rising sun into the room. I was cold and I snuggled deeper into Will’s bare chest, feeling his tight muscles against my back. They came closer as he breathed in and fell away when he let out his breath. Oh, how I loved to hear him breathe.

It was three weeks after Will and I had been recovered from the wreckage of the castle. Will was revived and stabilized in the hospital in a nearby kingdom, the Kingdom of Macrome. We were assigned a small house in a development next to the square. There were many empty houses, only a few occupied by survivors of our kingdom. No one else was recovered from the castle.

Will and I kept asking about Olivia, wondering if she was okay. I remember the day that we held her memorial service. A knock on our hospital bedroom came in the early morning. It was a week after we were recovered, and Will was growing stronger. We were almost cleared to leave, we happened to be leaving that day, but we didn’t know until the afternoon. A nurse led an emergency crew worker into the room. The man had a sweet face covered in dust and smoke, as well as his clothes. His expression was solemn and filled with sorrow. He removed his hard hat and bowed to us.

“Ms. Leeoff, Mr. Baylor, I must inform you-” his breath caught, “-I must inform you that your d-daughter has not been found. We searched every inch, and she was nowhere to be seen or heard. She is c-classified as,” Pause. “D-deceased.” I swear I saw a tear fall from his eye, but I was too pained to take note. I screamed, falling to my knees, tears dripping down my face. Will jumped off the bed and sat beside me, holding me in his arms, rocking me back and forth, his hot tears dropping on my bare shoulders. My screams were heard all through the hospital, and I knew this because nurses and doctors ran to the room to make sure I was okay. One of the nurses shuffled the mourning crew worker out and closed the door. I never left the floor until a nurse helped me clean up and get ready for the memorial service.

The service was for all deceased, but I asked for it to recognize Dana, Mitch, my Mother, and my lost baby girl. Pictures were placed up against a tall oak tree in an empty field. Candles were lit and held by mourners. The oak tree reminded me of Mother, strong and independent. Maybe this tree was her, coming back to Earth to be with me, and to guide me.

At the service, I saw the crew worker and his wife. I barely recognized him, for he was clean-shaven and in fresh clothes. I guided Will over to speak with him.

“Thank you for coming,” I said. He nodded. “I’m Ainia,” I extended my hand to him and his wife. They both shook it. “This is my fiancé Will” Will shook their hands.

“Nice to meet you,” The man said, “I am Daniel Redding, and this is my wife Helena.” I noticed something in the man’s eyes. A certain sadness and compassion for being here. It was hard to describe, but I decided to take him upon it.

“Daniel, do you have children?”

“Yes, ma’am, I have a three year old daughter and an eleven year old son,” he replied. I knew it. His genuine feelings for my loss made me think that he knew what it was like to love a child.

“May I ask, what was your daughter’s name?” Helena asked.

“Olivia,” I said quietly. A tear fell on my cheek.

“Would you like to join us for dinner?” Will asked. Helena accepted, and the couple took us to the best restaurant in the kingdom. From then, Daniel and Helena had become our best friends since Dana and Mitch passed.

Will startled me awake from my memory. He kissed my neck and down my bare back to my waist. I giggled and pushed his face up to kiss my lips. I climbed on his broad chest and straddled him with my legs. I ran my hands up and down his hard abs. They felt so amazing. I missed this, all our love before we had to worry about Velnia and Chaff. I didn’t want to think about them, though. I had decided to live for now.

*   *   *


“Olivia,” Velnia cooed, “time to wake up.” I jolted out of bed and quickly got ready for school. I brushed my teeth and styled my sandy colored hair down with a thin braid down the center of my hair. I put my clothes on and packed my brown back pack. I slung the pack over my shoulder and ran out the door.

“Have a nice day!” Velnia called after me. I ran to the main road to find Alex staring at his toes.

“Hi Alex,” I said.

“Oh, hi Olivia!” he greeted me with a smile on his face. “Are you ready to go?”


The walk to school was long and awkward, and Alex didn’t talk much. We were close to school, but it still wasn’t in sight. Suddenly, Alex grabbed my hand and laced it in his. He curled his fingers around my hand and I did the same. I swear I saw him smile, but I couldn’t tell.

We finally reached the school, still hand-in-hand. The kids were in the schoolyard playing before class started. I saw Cole watching us walk together, a scowl on his face. He was surrounded by his two friends and a couple of girls. The school bell rang and Alex let go of my hand as we walked into the building. Cole kept his eyes on us, his frown continuing. I walked to my seat next to my friends Lucy and Abby, and Alex sat behind me. Cole sat in front of me. He was tall and I couldn’t see the board. I tapped him on his shoulder, and he turned around.

“What?” he asked.

“I… I can’t see,” I replied. He ignored me and sat taller. “Hey!” I exclaimed. He sighed and slouched.

Soon, school was over and we could leave. I rushed outside with the other girls so we could talk and play in the schoolyard. Alex stayed inside to collect his books, and Cole stayed at the front of the building. There was a shout from the front of the school, and it sounded like a fight.

I ran to the front to see what was happening, only to find Cole and Alex on the ground hitting and kicking each other. A small circle of spectators began to form around the brawl.

“Cole, stop it!” I yelled, but the fight continued. I felt helpless. I didn’t want Alex to get hurt. “Cole, get off of him!” I tried to pull Cole back, but I was thrown into the crowd. Two boys, Jason and Jack, grabbed Alex and Cole, struggling to pull them apart. Finally, they gave up and were separated. Cole had a bloody nose and some bruises, and Alex had a split lip and a few cheek bruises, but neither had broken bones.

I grabbed Alex’s books and we started on our way home.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I’m fine. He didn’t hit me too hard.”

“What happened?”

“I walked out of the school building at the end of class hoping to catch up with you. I walked down the steps and saw Cole leaning against the wall. He took a step towards me, his hands in fists.He tackled me, so I rolled over on top of him and he started kicking me. I kneed him in the side and he punched me. And then you saw the rest,” he said, “but I thought I heard him say something that was really weird. I’m not even sure he said it, but it was about you.”

“What did he say?” I pressed.

“I don’t really know. It’s not important,” he replied. I didn’t question him any longer.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” I said.

We reached his house, and he held the door open for me as I carried his books inside and set them on his dining room table.

“Thank you for helping me with my books.”

“No problem,” I replied, kissing him on the cheek. He smiled, and I returned the smile. I pivoted to the door and left, smiling on my way home.

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