Chapter 10

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"no no no no no Maxwell, markers do not go in your mouth." I ran over and took the marker from her. She looked up and seemed very confused.

I placed the marker on the table and sat down.

Maxwell is a very smart kid, don't get me wrong but sometimes she does stuff that desn't make her seem too smart or like her age.

Maxwell took the marker back and went back to coloring.

She was coloring from a printable worksheet, just had shapes and stuff on it.

I sat on the couch behind her, a mug of coffee in my hands.

"Mama color." I chuckled and placed my coffee on the little table, I slid down to sit on the floor.

Maxwell knelled and peered over and into my mug. "It's just coffee bud." she looked at me confused, leaning back over and taking a sniff.

"Have?" she pointed to herself and seemed curious as to what it tasted like. I was tempted to let her try it but it had quite the amount of sugar in it. I shook my head and earned a pout from Maxwell.

"It's not good for you. Some day you can try it but right now is not one of those days." she whined and sat back, acting all upset because I said no.

"You wouldn't like it anyways." she sat up a little and just let out a tiny huff.

She leaned back over and started to color again. I sat next to her and ran my fingers through her hair, she let out a tiny noise and kept coloring.

I took a couple of the markers and took a coloring page, I colored a little and then stopped, sitting back and watching Maxwell.

She was in her own little world, just making marks and coloring.

I glanced out the window and saw that the snow was coming down pretty hard. My attention diverted back to Maxwell when she practically screamed.

I whipped my head around and saw her holding her finger.

"Hey what happened?" I leaned over and pulled her into my lap, taking her hand very slowly and moving it. Her finger was cut and she was bleeding.

"You got a paper cut?" she looked up, tears in her eyes as she stared.

I sighed and stood up, placing her on my hip. She didn't wiggled around or anything, just stayed against me and let out tiny whimpers.

I brought her to the bathroom, sitting her on the counter next to the sink.

I crouched down and got a box of band aids and put them on the counter. Maxwell whined as I stood back up. I turned the sink on and held out my hand for her. She gave me her hand and let me quickly rinse it under the water.

"Mama hurttttt!" I nodded and gave a little kiss to her head.

"I know it hurts but I want to make it so there isn't any blood on it." She whined some more, kicking her feet around and starting to cry.

I turned the water off and dried off her finger, grabbing a band aid and wrapping it around her finger.

"Its okay baby." I left the box of band aids and picked her up, holding her against me and letting her snuggled against me.

I carried her into the living room and went to place her on the ground. She clung to me and let out whines in protest.

I chuckled and sat down on the couch, holding her against my chest.

"Yay" I smiled and laid back, pulling a blanket over us. She let out a content little sigh, relaxing against me completely.

Within seconds I felt her breathing even out, she was clutching a tiny fistful of my shirt.

I smiled to myself and kissed the top of her head.

This kid is too cute.

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