Chapter 6

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All of my classes went by pretty fast and I haven't seen Kyler since this morning.Jacob talked me after our class together asking me if I was ok again and I gave him the same answer ,and I didn't have to go to gym because the nurse wrote me a pass because I may have a concussion.

Walking into the cafeteria for lunch my head starts to throb due to the loudness so I'm just going to leave but as I leave someone yells my name
"Aurora" someone yelled

I turned around and searched the person that yelled my name but it's hard to focus because of the terrible headache I have, I blink my eyes a few times to focus and when everything thing looks clearer I see Jacob and Kyler sitting together and Jacob is waving at me with a grin on his face but Kyler on the other hand look annoyed with a frown etched on his face.

Hesitantly I make my way over to them and as I am standing in fron of them Jacob is looking at me with a smile and Kyler isn't looking at me but he is looking straight ahead.

"Are you going to sit down" Jacob said smiling at me
I look at him with a puzzled expression and sit down

"How are you feeling?" Jacob asks me for the third time today

"Im good , but you know that already because you've asked me how I'm feeling 2 times today" I said with a but of an attitude

Jacob opens his mouth in surprise and Kyler raises his eyebrows and has a small smirk in his mouth  with amusement in his eyes

We sit in silence for a few minutes, the is air getting thicker as each minute goes by and it's uncomfortable silence so I look at both of them for one final time and get up, as I'm about to walk away Kyler grabs my wrist with his thumb and index finger and it's like and electrical currents goes up my arm and I gulp

"Wait" , I raise my eyebrows at him
"Let me take you home today" he says, his eyes look concerned

"Maybe" I say quietly and walk away
Less than a minute after I walk out of the cafeteria and through the doors I am grabbed by someone with red manicured nails, my eyes trail up her arm to her face

Kim Percy

Her green eyes are piercing sharply at me, and her red lips are raised with disgust, she is basically towering over me with her high heels on

"So what's going on with you and Kyler" she says loud and angrily

"I don't know what you're talking about" I mutter to her looking down

"Don't give me that shit , you know exactly what I'm talking about" she says , her face is getting red from anger

I don't say anything and just keep my head down hoping that she will just leave me alone , but I was sadly very wrong

"Oh so that's the game that we are going to play huh, well stay away from Kyler because he is mine and Jacob doesn't want you either. You should honestly just kill yourself , your a pathetic excuse of a person and everyone hates you , how can you even live with your knowing that your own mother hates you and your dad killed his self to get away for you"she says with anger , and her voice keeps getting higher and higher
I'm breathing heavy, my heart is going a thousand miles per hour and I snatch my arm from her grasp and quickly walk away into an empty classroom
I grasp the edge of a desk hovering over it and trying to calm my breathing but it just keeps getting worse, I lean against the bored and hold my throat because it's closing up and tears swell up in my eyes and I'm gasping for air , I slide to the ground with my back against the wall and my knees to my chest.

"He didn't kill his self because of me" I whispered to my self

I hold my head in my hands and wince due to my head injury, but I keep my hand there , even though it feels like I got hammered in the head, I squeeze my eyes shut and try to get rid of the thought of my father , my mother and Kim's words but they keep going through my head

"Hey sweety, promise daddy that you'll stay strong for me no matter what" my father says with a hoarse voice and stressed look on his face

I look at him in confusion and let go of his finger that I'm holding with my small hand

I was only 9

"What, why daddy" I say quietly, looking him in the eyes

"Just promise me that you will stay strong for me sweety, I won't be here to protect you forever and for that I am sorry, but you are stronger than me and you will be an amazing beautiful woman when you get older" he says with his voice is hoarse and his eyes are red

"But daddy I want to be just like you when I get older , you are the best" I say with a smile on my face

He looks away from me and and sharply inhales

"No you don't want to be like me at all, just promise me that you will stay strong and be stronger than me" he says with tears in his eyes

I look down and try to make sense of his words but I just don't get it , my dad puts his hand on my cheeks and raise my face to him so he can see me

"I promise that I will be stronger and better than you" I whisper with a frown

My father looks at me with a small smile and tears strolling down his eyes , he embraces me tightly and holds me for a few seconds while sniffing

"Daddy why... why are you crying" I say pulling away

"I'm sorry baby, don't worry about me... I'm ok" he says with a smile wiping his tears away

"Don't cry daddy , I'll be with you forever and we can be happy and play with my toys" I say smiling brightly

"I know , I know sweety , im just sorry I won't be with you forever" he says quietly

I draw my eyes together trying to piece together what he means

"Don't think about it too much and get some sleep ok" he says and kisses my forehead

I hiccup a little at the memory , my tears falling faster , I understand what he means today but when I was little I didn't understand it at all, a few years later I found him dead in his office.
"I'm sorry I broke our promise daddy" I say looking up

I stand up from the floor and leave the classroom , wiping my tears off my face and I leave school and start my journey home , I can't be in school anymore feeling like this , I can't take it anymore.

When I get home the house is quiet and I assume no one is home and walk up the stairs , I lock myself in my room and I just lay in bed tears streaming down my cheeks again. I close my eyes and hope all the pain will go away someday and I know that there is only one solution to end my suffering.
This chapter lowkey hit me hard , I hope you guys enjoy this chapter I worked hard on it
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