Chapter 13

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I was laying down in my bed, tears streaming down my cheeks, it was like each tear was pulling another one with it.

I felt empty, dead.

I had been raped about an hour ago and Bill finally left after pushing me around and hurting me more.

I finally manage to sit up, I look at my bed in disgust and I slowly peel the sheets off of me and get out of bed, as I'm walking to my door I feel pain all throughout my body.

Walking into the bathroom I'm too afraid to even look at myself, I can't because when I look at myself I see a coward, a nobody.

Turning the shower on to the hottest setting and I get into the shower and I ignored the stinging pain as the water burns me.

I look down at where Bill stabbed me and start cry, trying not to remember what he had just done to me.

Quickly I grab my wash towel and put a lot of soap on it and I start washing my self ignoring the pain. I was rubbing my self so hard that I began to skin myself and I cry out.

I jump out the shower leaving the water running and I grab my towel and go to my room and change my clothes into something more comfortable and throw my towel on my bed, covering the blood stains that are now stuck on my sheets.

I walk out my room slowly and walk into my mothers bathroom;finding the same ingredient my father used to kill his self, a lot of antidepressants and ecstasy, not sure of there specific names but that's fine. I open the bottom drawer and find a razor blade.

I take the stuff back to my room and set it on my desk, opening my computer I make a Facebook account and then I take out my phone and turn the camera and timer on.

"Hello, it is 7:45pm and I'm about to take these medication to kills myself" I talk into my phone camera

I then turn back to my computer and do a live broadcast of myself

"Hello, my name is Aurora Webber" I speak into the camera
And take a deep breath before continuing
About 45 mins later

I knock on Aurora's front door, but no one comes and I bang my fist against it and I hear a woman yell

"Hold on damnit , I'm coming"
The voice said from inside the house.

Moments later a woman opens the door and is about to say something but I'm walk right past her, looking around her house to find someone

" Excuse but who in the hell do you th-" the lady says , assuming that's Aurora mom

"Where is Aurora?" I ask her mom urgently

"Why?" She questions me

"Where is she" I growl at her and she takes a step back

"She is upstairs, in her room," she says looking at me confused

I quickly run up the stairs and walk down the hall opening every door until I find Auroras but I can't find it. There is one more door but it's locked

I bang on the door  loudly

"Aurora! Open up please "
I yell but I get no reply and that's when I feel sick to my stomach

I bang on the door harder and hard, trying to open it but it's locked

"Hey what do you think you're doing" I hear Aurora mom ask me

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