Chapter 12

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The next day at school I'm cranky and annoyed, I barely got any sleep after my argument with Aurora, it was like she was running laps in my head.

My argument with Aurora wasn't supposed to be an argument in the first place but I lost it when I saw her wrist.

At school, I didn't see her at all and it made worry and weary and I wanted to call her and drive to her house right now but I didn't. The day is going by really slow without seeing her

"Hey man is everything ok, you look stressed," Jacob says eyeing me

"Yeah " I grunt out and pull out my phone and I'm about to text Aurora but I don't have her nu-

"Aurora!" Jacob yells and my eyes snap up from my phone.

I almost start dancing and crying when I saw her, she looked so beautiful even though she had a hood on to cover her face.

Bravely I walked over to her and grabbed her cheeks and pulled her head to my lips; kissing her forehead many times and she is about to push me away but I quickly bring my lips to hers, silently hoping that she won't push me away and she'll kiss me back.

I know she feels what I'm feeling, it's like a thrill, like an electric current that is setting me on fire every time we touch.

That feeling doesn't last long when she pushes me away but I'm still holding her

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you right now," I tell her with my forehead against hers.

She pulls away and looks around and starts turning red and looking down at her feet. I take a look at our surroundings and I see that people are staring at us with their cameras out. Everyone looks so surprised, even Jacobs jaw is on the ground and I want to take pictures to cherish this moment.

The warmth that was once here leaves and I looks back at Aurora but she is walking away but I grab her arm gently but I surprised she turns around and pushes me away

"You're a real asshole Kyler," she says to me with her face still red, she is angry.

"For what caring? I can't care about you ?" I ask her gently, moving closer to her but she scoffs at me and walks away from me through the crowd of people surrounding us.

Leaving me alone. The hope I had in me was once hanging by a thin string, but now it's fallen into nothing but darkness. All my hope went down the toilet.

"You have not idea how happy I am to see you right now"  my mind drifts back to Kylers words

Why you thought was gonna kill me?
Well, you're not wrong, I will do it but not yet.

I'm in the girl's bathroom skipping class, I leave the girls bathroom and as I'm walking towards the school's exit I see Kim kissing Kyler and he is just standing there, not pushing her away or anything.

Kim's sees me walking towards them

"Happy you took my advice Aurora, wouldn't want your little feelings getting hurt... again," she says to me snarkily and Kyler doesn't say anything to me, he just stares and I walk past them

When my back is towards them I flip them off and just keep walking to the door and my eyes are burning but I bite my tears back and don't let them fall.

Before I walk through the school doors I drop all my books and bags, I won't be needing them anyway. I hop on my bike and leave this place, for good this time and I'm not talking about school.

Tears falling down my face as I'm riding to my house, the wind and rain hitting my face hard, and even though I can barely see I keep riding my bike in the street silently hoping that I will get hit.

As I approach my house I jump off my bike leaving it in the street and run into my home wet and cold.

I run up the stairs and lock myself in my room for a while before I start pacing in my room ; walking back and forth trying to process all my thoughts and then I'm sitting on my bed, I don't know how long I was sitting but school is out by now but my thoughts are cut off by a knock on my bedroom door

"Who is it " I yell, my voice nasally from all the crying

I don't get a reply but another knock

"Who is it? "I yell loudly but I get met with complete silence

Slowly I get up from my bed and walk to the door and open it. I come face to face with Bill, I'm about to tell him my mom isn't hearing but he pushes me back causing me to stumble on my feet, he comes in my room and locks the door.

" I'm not here for your mother," He says with a smile playing on his lips and the look in his eyes give me chills

" I'm here for you," he says and I feel body gets cold and I want to throw up

"G-Get out B-Bill" I stutter backing away from him  but she just walks closer

"Take off your shirt," he says evily with a smile, his teeth yellow and gross

When I don't move he pulls out a pocket knife and slashed my shirt open causing me to jump back and covering myself.

"P-please leave" I stutter looking down, too afraid to look up

"Pants, take your pants off now or I will do it and it will painful," he says looking at me under his lashes
"Though a lot of things will be painful about this," he says with a smile

I slowly unbutton my pants and unzip my zipper, my hands shaking

I'm silently praying, mom, dad Kyler, anyone please come help me

"Hurry up" he yells holding the knife

I jump at his tone and quickly start to pull my pants down, and I'm standing there in nothing my underwear and ripped shirt.

He starts to make powerful strides towards me and I think he is gonna stab me but he rips the rest of my shirt off and I'm left there standing there in nothing but my undergarments.

I'm shaking and crying, I'm holding my self and I'm scared, I don't want to rape just kill me already

"Just kill me already," I tell him my voice shaking

"Oh no I won't kill you, I want you to remember this all your life," he says looking me up and down

He walks up to me and grabs something out of his pockets
He puts them on my wrist tightly despite my protest, the metal digging into my skin painfully.

Quickly he gets undressed and pushes me on my bed and climbs on top of me

"Cmon doll, don't be such a downer, you enjoy this maybe not as much as I will but you will enjoy it because you are a slut, a whore," he says to me spitting in my face

I try to kick his way from me and move but he grabs the knife and stabs my leg a little, causing me to scream out in pain.

I'm weak, I'm so weak

I whimper in pain and he takes what's left of me and I just let it happen with my eyes shut tight

"Open your eyes," he says breathing hard

"You're gonna enjoys this because I'm not stopping," he says with his breath hitting my face.
I look up at with terror and cry and whimper feeling the pain in my body spread.

"Shut up, its only gonna feel better, for me," he says every

He isn't stopping and I can't stop him, so I just lay very still and cry silently
Writing this chapter was very hard for me and it brought tears to my eyes, I can't believe she got raped

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to like and comment

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