Chapter 10

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I sigh to myself in relief because it is finally lunch and I can give my mind a break from school, but Kyler is still running circles in my mind.

For lunch today I don't go to the cafeteria, instead I go outside and I lay on a bench that's under the trees and I just look at the sky, breathing in the air, it's feels like fresh air and it relaxes me, but we all know that the air isn't very fresh at all, and it gets thin and tense when I hear Jacobs voice

"Hey girlie" he says cheerily, I raise my eyebrows at him in a amusement 'girlie'

"Hi" I say quietly almost a whisper

"Can I sit?" He asks

I sit up and move my feet to the ground so that he can sit , and when he does we sit side by side, not sparing any glances and it's silent

"So, you seemed kind of down in class earlier" he says looking at me but I look forward and ignore his eyes

"Why are you out here, talking to me when you have people inside that actually wants to be bothered with you" I say changing the subject, not really wanting to talk about me anymore

"What does that hav-" I cut him off

"I'm being serious, you say I look down in class , but when don't I ever look down or upset in class, so I don't understand why you're talking about me looking down when I'm like this on a daily basis" I tell him a little annoyed, I always look down and sad inside , ever since that day

Jacob looks surprised at my little outburst and kind of hurt, I sigh feeling bad but I'm really not in the middle today

"Look Im sorry if you think I was prying , I just wanted to know if you were okay" he says with a frown and his eyes avoiding mine , now I feel really bad

Jacob stands up moments later and walks away from me , leaving me alone on the bench, and I watch him as he walks away

I lay back down on the bench and look up at the sky

Truth is I'm not okay at all , but my suffering will end soon
Jacob walks to our table with a frown on his face and sits down. He was just outside talking to Aurora, I saw them through the window In the cafeteria.

"Wanna tell me what happened out there because you look like your puppy just died" I tell him in a joking way , even though deep down I'm jealous of the fact he was talking to her and I wasn't

"I was just asking her how she was doing , she seemed upset in class" Jacob says with a frown
Maybe it's because she lost her paper, the one I still have to return to her.

With that thought I get up and leave the cafeteria and I hear Jacob ask me where I'm going but I keep walking.

As I'm walking I realize that I end up in the boys locker room instead of standing right in front of Aurora giving her the paper back

With my hand clutching the paper tightly, I know I shouldn't have because it would be an invasion of privacy but I open it slowly and read the words that bring terror to my heart

"Hello my name is Aurora Webber and I'm going to kill myself, if you are reading this then I'm dead ;physically dead. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you this to your face and I know it may seem selfish but I'm not happy on this earth and everyone seems to hate me just as much as I hate myself, I'm sorry if I hurt you , I really am but at this point I don't care because I was and physically, mentally and emotionally tired ,so do not cry when I'm gone , don't even thing of me because I won't be coming back , I don't want to come back, I don't want to live.I tried to fight for my life but I didn't know how to be happy anymore and this was my only way to find peace, this is the only thing I'm happy about ; my death

Good Night ,Never Yours
-Aurora Webber

The words brung tears to my eyes and I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw a tear fall on the paper.

I will talk to her, after school when I'm taking her home. I have to stop her

If she kills herself I won't be able to live with myself knowing that I could have stopped her, save her.

Rushing out of the classroom I urgently search the crowded halls for Aurora and I start to panic, because she said that if I'm reading this she is already gone.

My thoughts are cut short when a small body smashes into mine and I quickly grab the persons waist to keep them from falling

"Hey watch where you're goi- Aurora?" I asked her kind of surprised and relieved

"Oh goodness I'm sorry Kyler I didn't even see you there" she said with her face turning red and I grin at her, I love the way she responds to me , always blushing

"It's fine , but before you go to class I just wanted to tell you to meet me at my car right after school" I said her being firm

She looks at me confused

"Okay..." she draws out slowly

"I'm being serious" I tell her looking at her lips and her teeth gnawing are not making anything better.

She nods and slowly starts to walk away but I stop her and pull her into a hug

I hug her tightly and it's feels so good how perfectly she fits into me, and I really hope she can feel what I'm feeling while hugging her. If there weren't many people around us I would kiss her , but people are already looking at us weird

She lightly brings her arms up and hug me back, tapping my arms a few time trying to let me know that I should let her go, as much as I don't want to let her go I let her go anyways and my heart sink.

She walks past me looking at me confused right turn around and watch her figure as she walks away

I really hope she doesn't do anything stupid, I have to talk to her but not make her feel worse. This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter , it was mostly Kylers point of view ( hope y'all didn't mind) but don't forget to leave a like and a comment

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