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Denim's POV

Purples palace is cooler that any place i've ever been. She gave me a room to stay in for the time being, until we start gathering soldiers for the army. There was the sharpest sword i've ever held and it was mine apparently. I took it out and swung it around. Purple told me I'd be practicing in a half hour or so while she prepared. The blade was double sided, and anywhere I swung cut the air in two. It had waves engraved into it, and a grip that my hand could hold perfectly. I took a really quick shower before rummaging though the closet to see what i could find.

I found armor for me, it was dark purple, kinda like mauve but not the same. it had waves in it too. I felt so powerful. I paired the chest plate with some tight jeans i found there. It fit me well and it was nice to get out of the clothes i'd been in for that long.

"Denim!" Purples infamous voice called. It was time to train.

I flew down the stairs almost, heavy steps echoing out in the gigantic building.

"Come with me" She said, she flew down a hallway, leading us to a gigantic fighting room. There was no ceiling anymore, and rows and rows of seats reached the sky. I could only imagine the things that could've happened here, the tournament, the jousts, it amazed me to say the least. Amethyst statues of warriors lined the arena, 8 feet tall at least and beautifully made, I took a closer look to admire the work. No statue I've ever seen looked so realistic. I got to the middle of the arena where Purple and Blush now stood. Blush had on armor too. She looked dangerous, and awesome. Badass to say the least.

"Amethyst α, arise" Purple said. I almost screamed, the statue I was just admiring Started taking steps toward us. My first reaction was to cover Blush, I guess after this whole time being super alert without realizing it I just protected her. Blush and Purple started laughing as the Amethyst statue got to us.

"Oh Denim, the prismisses have statues they can call on the help them do things like train or get things, I keep mine in here because training is what they used to me used for primarily." Purple explained. "I told Blush before hand and we couldn't wait to see your reaction" Her laugh was sweet, and I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"While your armor is still being made, we'll start off easy. Amethyst α, commence sword training level one with Denim"

"Sword training, Level one, has commenced. Prepare your weapon!" The Amethyst's voice was very distorted and kind of scary actually, It took an easy swing at me, I blocked it. It kept doing that with me, stopping to say if my footing was off or if my grip wasn't correct. Blush started training too, with Amethyst β, called upon by Purple, same instructions as me. After 20 minutes of swinging and blocking, I was tired, and level 1 was done.

"Level 2 will now commence. Your powers will be tested. Please list your powers" The Amethyst spoke in an odd tone and paused at weird times.

"Water powers, teleportation, control of weather, and super speed" I listed off.

"Excellent. Your water powers will be tested in level two. Prepare. Please summon water" The Amethyst statue spoke.

I focused my mind on the bathtub upstairs, with a lot of concentration I was able to bring a big blob of water all the way down here. I looked over two purple who was sitting back and watching in the stands, A proud smile on her face. Blush's small body moved every which way, darting and jumping and ducking to avoid the swings and block them.

Then level two started, and the Amethyst statue swung right for my head. I took the water and slammed the blade with it, knocking it out of the Amethyst statues hand. With my sword in my hand still I swung and make a solid collision. Nothing happened really cause well, they're made of a gemstone.

"Nice swing!" Purple called to me happily.

"Thanks!" I answered quickly,as to not lose my focus. I was really getting into it. Level two began again when The Amethyst statue got its sword and in another 20 minutes It was over, and I was really exhausted. After exerting so much force and using my water powers so much I could fall asleep on the marble floor, but I have to build stamina to fight in the war.

"Denim how about you take a water break for a couple minutes you look tired" Purple said to me.

"Amethyst γ, Arise. please get water for Denim." The next statue stood up and walked out of the room with even heavier steps than me. At this point I gathered that the Amethysts names corresponded to the greek alphabet, considering the three active are alpha, beta, and gamma now.

"Yes denim they do, there's delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta, iota, kappa, lamda, mu, nu, xi, omikron, pi, rho, sigma, tau, upsilon, phi, chi, psi, and finally omega." She pointed to the statutes still idle as their names were spoken.

Just then Amethyst Gamma came back, with a rather large pitcher of water. With completely straight arms it was forced into me. These statues are quite, robotic I guess I'd say. I don't know how to describe it, just so unshadely.

"Level three has commenced, prepare teleportation powers" Amethyst α spoke. This is when I'd really be in trouble.

The Amethyst statue stood ten feet away from me. Then It started running towards me, sword drawn. I focused as hard as I could, but in the back of my mind the fact a big freaking statue was about to kill me made me unfocused. It couldn't of been at a later second. I closed my eyes, my sword up in front of me ready to block the attack as the other blade was coming down on me. The next second I was in the same position, in the hallway leading to the fighting arena. I did it, I teleported again.

Purple started clapping, Blush had just leaped over the Amethyst she was fighting with and I just did that.

"Both of you are doing so well!" Purple applauded. I smiled, the work was paying off, we will beat black and white, Purple will thrive.

For the next hour or so The lessons continued, each time I was able to pull of the power I needed to but just barely. I accidentally teleported myself to the stands and landed in Purples lap at one point. I used my super speed for the first time but I super speeded straight into the Amethyst alpha, and fell back on my butt. The Amest fell lover too, to I guess it was a successful attack. Then when I used the weather powers the rain didn't come down normally, On the entire island a whole sheet of water at least a foot thick fell down all at once, crushing everyone. Blush gave me an aggravated look because she was absolutely soaked but so was I. Purple simply smiled and laughed at my shocked face as the water fell down on us. It didn't help the situation but I used my water powers again to pull the water of Blush and Purple so training could continue. My Amethyst looked absolutely bewildered. I guess statues have emotions too. I feel like anything would have an emotion if a whole slab of water fell on it.

Training finally ended. After drinking water I went back up to my temporary room and immediately went to take a shower in the bathroom connected to the room. I got clean and dressed in my normal clothes and then threw myself on the bed. I was exhausted but I was happy I powered through 6 levels today. And just like that I fell asleep almost instantly. 

**Ouch I took a big hiatus didn't I

A whole boat load of stuff happened, and it wasnt like  i couldn't write I just didn't write

2019 doesn't sound like a real year but it is and its thriving    w o w    ok bye bye**

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