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Genevieve Sorel's heartbeat against her chest in syncapated rhythm in anticipation of reaching the jump zone. As their ship climbed so did her nerves. She loved being in space but she hated getting there. There was no way to explain the ridiculousness of it so she'd given up trying.

The city lights faded below them as they flew beyond the legal limits of speed further from Central City and their headquarters. Just an hour ago they'd received their mission instructions. Commander XXX[ needs a name] went over the plan for taking the warehouse while they watched the three dimensional view screen of the facility.

"There's a medical warehouse outside of Chesterville. We've been here before folks. The latest medical tech and advanced medicines inside, you all know what to do. We think this is the same group that targeted two other medical facilities in the past two months. You know the drill, one squad, two teams, secure the facility and bring in the trespassers."

"Lousy Crims." The voice came from the back of the room and the rest of the squad including Gena verbally acknowledged the truth of it.

"Yeah, well. Crims do what they do and we at Base Central do what we do. Come what may."

The squad answered in one loud voice. "Come what may!"

Gena triple checked her equipment as the squad lined up to jump out of the ship. She followed her team out the hangar door and into the black of night. As the ground below raced up to meet her Gena counted off then opened her flight gear.

With the help of the wing flaps and the mag boots they each wore, they glided to the ground within the security perimeter of the warehouse without a sound. Gena tapped down behind their Agent leader as he signaled for them to split into their two pre-assigned groups.

Six at the front entrance and another six at the back exit of the building took up their positions.

The moment flowed through her, filling her with anticipation, as they readied themselves to storm inside the building. Gena remained linked to all twelve agent minds and relayed to the team the leader's instructions to hold. As one of only five enhanced telepaths in the Southern hemisphere of the planet meant her skills were invaluable to her squad making them the best of the best.

"I want everything to go as smooth as possible. Don't get sidetracked."

The voice in her head belonged to, Sasha Vandermann, their team leader and her best friend. It wasn't a message to the group. He'd directed his thought to her. To the team, he might be a legendary Status One combat agent, but to her, he was a pain in the butt and her best friend. It started back when they were seven years old. Some things never changed and she was glad of it.

He spoke to everyone next relaying the message through her. "Stand ready, Come what may."

Their minds shouted their answer and she relayed it to him. "Come what may!"

Gena broke into his thoughts picking up where they left off.

"Is that a not-so-subtle reference to our last mission?"

Gena asked her voice carrying a hint of left-over irritation and anger at the reference. That mission had left a particularly sour taste in her mouth.

"No, I was talking to myself. But now that you mention it. You could try to stay awake for the fight this time, Telly."

"That was one mission. You're never going to let me live that down are you?"

"You missed the entire fight."

Status One: Agent (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now