FamilY IssuEs Part I

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Song - And the snakes start to sing by Bring me the Horizon


Michael looked around. He knew where he was. He was back at the Smith's Grove Sanitarium. ^Fuck! Why am I here again?!^ Standing up, he recognized, that his body was still under the influence of a tranquilizer and he dropped to his knees. ^Oh fucking wonderful...^ That was, when he heard the door creak open. " have a session with doctor Loomis. Come on out." "Yea....I would, but I can't even stand by myself, mate." Michael replied, seemingly annoyed by that fact that he was going to need someone to help him walk. He hated being helpless. And he wasn't even able to deny the fact, that he wasn't able to see properly. His vision was blurry an he probably would pass out again soon. The guy walked up to him and helped him stand. "It's good to see you finally decided to talk to me, Michael...." The guy said. "W..wait.... I.... remember you... You're...Rex, right?" "Yes, Michael..." The man softly smiled at Michael while they continued on walking to the interview room. Well...more like stumbling, since Michael needed to be carried almost. When they entered the room, Michael's body was loosing the fight against the tranquilizer and he fell unconscious. "Oh shit! Michael!" Loomis went up to him, trying to wake him up again, but nothing worked. "The tranquilizer is still affecting his much did they inject him?!" Loomis asked. "I don't know...but I think it was far too much. It's a wonder he isn't dead by now." "Michael cannot die, Rex... he's...kind of immortal. And right now...I'm glad he is...." Loomis explained. Rex seemed confused, but didn't ask any further questions. Michael woke up again a few hours later. His body was still a little numb, but he was feeling better. He sat up slowly, looking at Loomis, who had his back turned to him and seemed to be frustrated. "W...What's wrong....?" He asked. Loomis looked at him and smiled. "You're finally awake...I thought you would never wake up. I was worried..." "You were....?" Michael asked. "Yes...I'm glad you're okay. I just found out how much tranquilizer they used...and it was way too would have killed every other ordinary human..." "Luckily I'm not one of much did they use?" "They used as much as you would need to put out a god damned elephant." "Wha- DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING ELEPHANT?! What the actual FUCK?!" Michael was very irritated. "Let's just say that you're lucky to be immortal..." "Yea... that's right...but....why am I here again...?" "They said you needed to be checked...if you really weren't going to loose it again...." "Oh please... I'm going to loose it even more in here...These....plain white walls...the metal door you can't even open without it creaking...and these.... barred up windows....I don't want to be in here....Loomis, please....." "Michael...I'm doing my best to get you out of here as fast as I can, I promise..." "Thanks...."


Hi! Hope you liked the chapter. It's only half as long as the prologue, but that's not going to always be the case. Instead of a long chapter... you'll get to see one of my most favorite videos on YouTube.

A funny Dead by Daylight video from WorstPremadeEver

My favorite sentence in that video is: I'm going to jump down from TeamSpeak and rip your head of and beat you to death with your fucking spine! XD I literally almost died from laughing when I first heard that.


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