Marceline's Morning

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--This chapter is told in Marceline P.O.V.--
I woke up to Simon calling my name. I could smell my breakfast made down stairs. Mmm, eggs and bacon! The smell of my breakfast had made the whole house smell absolutely delicious!
I slowly opened my eyes as the glare from the morning sun had peeped through the open gap in the curtains.

Just as I was about to close my eyes again, Simon had opened up the curtains. "Oh no you don't Marcy!" He teased.

"Mmmm" I groaned as I buried my face into my teddy bear, Hambo. It was my favorite stuffed bear. I used to carry him around everywhere when I was about 4. Simon had given him to me.
He used to be a shade of light red, almost a dark pink color. His mouth stitched with a black thread and he had buttons for eyes which were a purple/blue sort of color. But now he's worn out. He's no longer his light red color he used to be. He's now a very faded pink, almost a grey color. He has many different worn out colored patches from when Simon would have to fix him. He's missing an eye and the other eye that's still attached is a dark purple, sort of a dark grey like color. 

Just as I slowly lifted my head, the smell of eggs and bacon had risen to my room once again. The abrupt smell of the eggs and bacon had woken me up leaving my stomach to rumble. I slowly moved my feet to the end off the bed and grouchily lifted myself up and off the bed.

Simon laughed at the sight of my messy black bed hair. It was a tangled mess! 

I'll deal with it later. I thought as I started to make my way down the creaky dark oak wood floors.

I placed myself down on the smooth black bar stool and ate my food in silence. Simon knew not to bug me in the mornings after I get out of bed. Doing so could end up in a terrible mess and a big argument! 

As I took the last bite of my food, I remembered that it was the first day of 3rd grade! Which means I have to get ready fast!

I emptied the food scraps into the bin and placed my plate beside the sink for Simon to give a proper rinse. I ran upsets stairs to my room and slammed the door open, leaving a loud "bang!" to echo through the house.

"Marcy! Please be careful before you knock the whole place down!" Simon yelled from down stairs.

"Sorry Simon!" I yelled back. I rummaged through my closet on what to wear. "I need something really cute but still my style!" I muttered to myself. I took out a grey short sleeved shirt and a denim overall dress that was a mixture of navy blue and grey. I put on my outfit and Simon helped to adjust the straps. I found a pair of white socks with 2 thick red strips on the top part of the socks. I carefully placed them on. Now to take care of my messy hair! I thought as I grabbed the brush and brushed my short messy black hair until it was silky soft!

"Your bag is all packed and ready to go!" I heard Simon call from down stairs.

"Okay Simon! I'm on my way down!" I quickly put on my red shoes and rushed down stairs. Simon was waiting by the front door with his car keys in his hand.

"Ready to go, Marcy?" Asked Simon.

"Yeah, I think so." I said as I grabbed my back pack. We headed out the door to his car. I sat in the back in my big black booster seat. Not long after buckling in, I heard the loud sound of the engine roaring and we drove down the street and on my way to "Ooo Land College."

(If you guys don't know what a college is, it's an Australian [other countries as well!] school for years reception all the way to year 12. Some may have kindergartens next to/joint to the school as well.)

Thank you all so much for reading the first chapter of this book! I hope you guys all enjoyed and will continue reading the book! If you have any suggestions, let me know and I might consider some of them! Also, please vote too! Love you guys! ~ xoxo

The Girl From 3rd Grade {Chapter Ten Complete: 25/02/19} -A Bubbline Story-Where stories live. Discover now