A 1D and Ross Lynch fan fiction

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I don't know if this kind of story has been tried before, but I want to do something a little different :)



P.S. would anybody mind making a cover?


There were billions of different kind of guys. There were the musicians, the jocks, the populars, the posers, the dreamers, etc. For girls there were less options. You were either popular or un popular. Tiffany Margareta was lucky, though. All the guys, no matter what group they were a part of, were hot. She was also one of the populars. She went to a boarding school in London, England, far from her home in Italy. She didn't have a boyfriend, but she had plenty of admirers. What guy wouldn't love her? She had wavy brown hair which perfectly framed her intense blue eyes. She was the only girl in her school that didn't over do her make up. Her outfits were all different. Sometimes she wears a plaid shirt and jeans. Sometimes a mini dress and a leather jacket. One time she wore camouflage pants and a white t-shirt. She never liked calling herself a popular, but it was hard not to see that she was. 

Then there was Louis Tomlinson, one of the jocks on the school's football (soccer) team. He was the captain of the team. He was single. He never liked wearing the uniform while he was off of the field. He usually wore red chinos, a striped shirt, TOMS, and a beanie. He didn't act like he was eighteen. He loved goofing off. Messing around. He didn't do very well in school. He always managed to get by with a C average, though, otherwise he wouldn't get to play on the team. He got detention every other day, though. He had to admit, he did have a tiny crush on Tiffany, but nothing more than that.

-Louis' POV-

It was a normal day really. I got yelled at in history for sassing our teacher. Got detention for a week after ditching math. Talked to my sister Lottie about how she looked prettier without wearing a lot of make up. When I tried sitting at one of the other tables away from all the other team members, I just got dragged back to my normal spot by Josh. I liked the guys on the team and their girlfriends, but I just wanted to change up the routine. I didn't want to have to get stuck with the same people for the rest of my last year at school. While sitting at our table I looked around the lunch room and looked at the different tables. There were a couple of guys that stood out. Two blonde boys playing guitar at their table. A kid with curly hair was flirting with Tiffany, again. A guy with a black quiff was looking at mirror. And then there was some one in a plaid shirt who was fighting with one of the populars. The thing was that he was losing, badly. No teacher came to help them. Everyone else was just watching as the boy got hit repeatedly, blood trickling out of his nose.

    I couldn't just watch by as he got beaten up. I ran to his aid. I pulled the popular guy back. It was Evan, the biggest jerk in school. "Seriously, Evan. Why don't you just stop," I calmly suggested.

"You better watch it, Tommo. Remember what Principal Issac said: if you get in another fight, you're off the team," he reminded me with an evil grin. "I could not care less at the moment. What did this kid do to you?" "Nothing. It's just the way things are. Guys like him have to get kept in line." Right after he said that, the kid staggered forward and punched Evan in the face, giving him a black eye.

    "That's it, Liam. You're in for it now!" Evan tried diving to charge him, but I tackled him with enough force to bring him to the ground. I start to get up when I feel some one pull me backward and turn me around. Aw. Shit, I think. I'm about to start defending myself, expecting to see the principal, but instead find myself facing Eleanor Calder, a girl I've had a crush on since I was thirteen. I'm about to say hi when she kisses me on the cheek. "What was that?" I ask blushing. "That," she says. "Was for being brave." What happens next is Principal Issac pushes Eleanor out of the way and grabs my collar, dragging me to his office.

"Principal Issac," I say with a smile. "How's your day? Did you do your hair differently?" I look up at his bald head and smile even more. "Tomlinson. I bet you know what's going on," he says angrily. "No, sir. I was just enjoying my lunch and having a chat with Evan and Eleanor."

"Oh is that right? So I guess I just imagined you tackling Mr. Colt."

"It's just the way you see it. The way I saw it was I needed to help the kid getting beaten up."

"That's not the way things work around here, though."

"What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying you let the poor kid get hurt?"

"It's the natural order of things. But we can't have you causing chaos by disrupting that order. Capish?"

"NO. I don't understand. How the hell could you let this happen?! What kind of school are you running?!"

"A good one. Now as for your punishment. How about...hm. Oh yeah. You're off the football team."

I knew this was coming, but it still hurt. Football was all I did, to be honest. Well that and sing, but I couldn't let anyone know about that. I felt tears coming, so I got up and ran out. I rushed into the bathroom and splashed a bunch of water on my face before I started to break down. "Thanks," I heard some one say next to me. I turned and saw the guy who I helped. "I'm Liam," he said extending his hand I shook it and said, "Louis."

"What happened with Issac?" he asked.

"Nothing important," I lied.

"Doesn't seem like it. If it was nothing your face wouldn't be pink."

"I got kicked off the football team."

"Oh my God. I- I'm so sorry," he said giving me a hug. I lightly pushed him off.

"It wasn't your fault. I chose to help. If I could go back in time, I wouldn't change anything. So, what happened, exactly?" His face darkened a little.

"Nothing 'happened' really. I was walking to my lunch table when Evan stood in front of me and started hitting me. I tried fighting back, but it didn't help much."

"Hey. How about I help you toughen up? You know, whe could go to the gym and everything."

"Okay. That'd be cool."

I heard the bell ring, but I didn't feel like going to class. "She likes you, you know," Liam says.

"What?" "I said she likes you. Eleanor." At that I blushed again. I don't think I ever concidered Eleanor liking me back. She wasn't popular, but to me she was the prettiest girl in school. No, I take that back. Prettiest girl in the world.

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