❤️ - Helping hand

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Aurora's POV

So I've been looking for schools to go to for the past 3 hours and I've still found absolutely nothing. Any school that looks decent is either 7 million miles away or it just looks shitty.

I don't wanna go to a shitty school. I don't wanna go to any school, I wanna be able to do what I wanna do. I want to do art, not fucking maths.

I didn't sleep last night, all that was on my mind was school, and how I wanted nothing more than to go back to the UK and see Zoe.

I was so distracted and as a result did absolutely nothing that I was supposed to do. Obviously causing my mum to scream at me once again.

I was stuck searching the web desperately now, my eyes darting across the page for any sort of school that either didn't look like a dump or didn't look too big.

I found one school that specialised in art, I took a screenshot of it and sent it to my mum, hoping and praying that she had half of the same opinions as I did.

Not even minutes later I got a text telling me to come downstairs. I rolled my eyes back in my head before pushing myself off of my bed and walking downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum sitting next to the island on her phone, an unreadable expression on her face.

"If you tell me it's not good enough I'm gonna flip my shit," I sat down next to her as she put her phone in front of me.

"Just wait," she said sternly, swiping across to another picture. It was a school that looked pretty run down and as I looked at the address I realised it was in a pretty rough part of the town.

I shook my head instantly.

"Abso-fucking-lutely not," I pointed to the address, "look where it is mum, I'm going to school to learn not to get fucking shot!"

"Rori!" I sighed as she yelled at me to quiet down, swiping through some more pictures.

"I don't want to go to school, mum, what don't you get? I don't want to have to be stuck in a room with a million other people learning about the same thing in the same way. No one has the same brain, I'm not a robot!"

My mum gave me a hard glare as she put her phone down and crossed her arms. Oh we're fucking in it now boys.

"Where is this coming from, Aurora?" I clenched my jaw as I huffed out from my nose.

"No where. I just don't want to go and be stuck in some bullshit building where I'm not going to fucking learn anything!" I put my hands in my hair and lightly pulled as I looked down at the marble counter, trying to distract myself.

"Well, you're going to school whether you like it or not, just because bil-"
"Oh my fucking god it's not about billie, mum! Yes she's homeschooled and she's more smarter than any cunt I've ever fucking met, but it has nothing to do with Billie!"

"No! I'm fucking sick of it, being a teenager is so much harder than it was back in your day, mum! Do this, do that, 24/7, people expect you to be a fucking adult but treat you like a child."

My mum just stayed silent, listening to my rant.

"You and dad do it all the time! I'll try and do something that I wanna do, because believe it or not I'm fucking 16 I can make my own decisions, and you and dad instantly go 'uhm yeah but rori you're only 16' but then in the same breath when you want me to do something you'll go 'uhm rori you're 16 now come on' like what the fuck? Make up your fucking mind."

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