💙 - Patched up

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I was running down the hallways of the hotel, trying for the life of me to remember which room Finneas was staying in. If anyone was gonna believe me or even do so much as listen to me, it would be him.

He always understood me and would never even for a second doubt anything that I said. And hopefully he will be able to get his fucking sister in check while he's at it.

I eventually found his door as I knocked loud and hard on it, praying to myself that he was in. A rush of happiness ran through me when he opened the door, although I couldn't have anticipated his reaction.

"What the fuck, Rori?" He quickly dragged me inside of his room as his mouth dropped open, shutting the door behind him and rushing me over to the bed, sitting me on the edge of it.

"Did Billie do this? I swear to fucking god if she did this to you-" I quickly cut him off, reassuring him that his sister did not do this to me.

"No! Finneas, jesus, she didn't do anything," he let out a breath, giving me a confused look.

"Then who did?" I gulped before I threw up the truth - no point hiding it now. I mean it can't exactly go any worse then it did with Billie can it.

"Well, I suppose I should start from the beginning. Uhm, so, two nights ago me and Billie were just chilling in the hotel room and..I got a call from Zion and he was inviting us to go to this party he was having. Billie really wanted to go and so I said yes, although to be honest I wasn't too keen on going."

He nodded as he took a seat next to me, facing me.

"And then the next day, which was yesterday, ever since I'd woke up I had this just like awful fucking feeling in my stomach and I just really didn't wanna go and I kept telling her you know like I dunno I have a bad feeling and she just kept saying stuff like it'll be okay baby I won't leave you you'll be fine and all this,"

Finneas nodded, clenching his fists in anger, probably already making his own assumptions on what I was gonna tell him.

"So I just sort of said whatever, I really wasn't happy honestly because I really did feel sick and just like anxious and she didn't listen, but whatever. Anyway, we got to the house and Billie did stay with me for a good portion of it, she was by my side while I was talking to Zoe and getting drinks, and then all of a sudden she fucked off to play beer pong with Zion. So anyway I was alone and like..I was drunk. So I went upstairs to just see if I could find anyone to talk to or hang with because I didn't wanna be alone."

I felt sick having to say Isaac's name again and having to relive again what he did to me, but I knew it was important to tell someone.

"And...I went into this room..and uhm..Isaac was in there."

Finneas pulled back, giving me a look before spluttering over his own words.

"Wait wait wait..Isaac...Like..Brandon and Rosalie Isaac?" The disbelief on his face was like nothing I've ever seen before as I nodded, letting out a slow sigh. He motioned for me to continue as I took a deep breath.

"So, naturally I was like what the fuck are you doing here and he just says that he's here to have fun like everyone else and he just kept staring at me with this like gaze and even when someone spoke to him he just didn't fucking look away, it freaked me out. So I ran downstairs as fast as I could, just looking for anyone, like Zoe or Billie or anyone that knew of Isaac and what he did."

Finneas grabbed my hand in his as he listened, sending reassurance through me.

"And I couldn't find anyone so I decided to go outside to get some fresh air, I mean I was drunk as fuck so I honestly just tried to convince myself that I was dreaming or hallucinating, but obviously I wasn't. And as soon as I got outside, Isaac was there and he just- he just snapped."

A tear rolled down my cheek that I quickly wiped away as Finneas' grip tightened on me.

"What do you mean snapped?" He asked, rightly confused by my sloppy explaining.

"He-he pushed me against the wall and like had his hands like this," I motioned, placing my hands next to Finneas' head just like Isaac did.

"And he didn't let me go and he kissed me and he shoved me into the wall and cut my elbow and my head," I pulled my arm up to show Finneas the markings.

"And I think I tried to push him away, I-I don't remember and then he dragged me upstairs to one of the spare bedrooms and he kissed me again and...Finneas..Isaac raped me."

I went silent as soon as the words left my mouth, seeing anger ignite behind his eyes.

"Have you told Billie?" I nodded sadly as I looked down towards the floor.

"I just came from our room."

"And?" Finneas pushed, trying to look in my eyes.

"She doesn't believe me. She was yelling at me saying he wouldn't do something like that. She thinks I'm lying."

"I'm gonna fucking kill her!" Finneas yelled, jumping to his feet. I quickly grabbed his hand, pulling on it and trying to make him sit back down.

"FINNEAS NO!" I yelled, tears falling down my cheeks as I thought back to the moment. "Don't."

"A-Are you okay?" He asked, kneeling in front of me and stroking my leg. I shrugged weakly as I closed my eyes, a sudden tiredness washing over me.

"I'm just in pain."


"So, let me get this straight - you have an injury to your elbow, your leg, your head, your shoulder and your genital area?" I nodded at the nurse in front of me, holding Finneas' hand in mine as he sat on the hospital bed with me.

"And is this your boyfriend?" The nurse asked, motioning to Finneas as I gave him an awkward look.

"Uh, no, he's my girlfriends brother," I saw a bit of confusion in the nurses face as she nodded and wrote something down on a computer.

"Okay, so I think you're free to go. You are very open to report it to the police if you would like, but please know we will not relay anything to the authorities without your consent." I nodded at her, giving her a weak smile as I looked down at my patched up body.

"If you did want us to swab inside of you to get the man's DNA and relay it to the authorities though, we can very easily do that." I shook my head quickly, I could do that myself.

"I know exactly who it is," I nodded, my heart breaking slightly at the knowledge it was someone who was once so close to me.

"Okay, well just know we can swab and use the DNA as proof if the man gets arrested, ok?" I nodded before looking up at Finneas, giving him a small smile.

She said I was lucky to get away with only the scrapes that I did. She told me that she's seen many cases like this where they bring people into the hospital and as soon as they wheel them in they're gone.

I was so thankful I wasn't one of them.

I so easily could've been.

Now...to face Billie again.

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