💚 - Girlfriend

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Bitches I'm touring with my babygirl, I'm actually gonna be by her side the entire time oh my fucking god.

The only issue being - my mother. My god damn fucking mother. I kinda didn't give a shit what she thought, I was going regardless, but I knew I'd still have to ask her.

Me and Billie were currently chilling at the park, she was on the swings and I was just sat next to her, still. She was having the time of her life and it was so cute to see.

"I wanna dye my hair back silver," she started slowing down as she spoke, I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

"Oh really? Why?" She grimaced as she pulled on her mint green hair that was fading pretty quickly.

"This colour is fucking disgusting," I laughed softly at her as she came to a stop, patting her lap. I got up and sat on to her legs, her arms snaking around my waist as she started kissing my neck.

"Baby, you're coming on tour with me," she giggled into my back as she hugged me even tighter, nearly cutting off my breathing. I held her hands with mine as we stared at the hills, the sun starting to set behind them.

"I know, baby...I'm so excited," I turned around to look at her and smiled, seeing her pink cheeks just as bright as the sky.

She pulled me so I was straddling her on the swing, her hands finding my back to keep me upright. Her fingers brushed some of my hair out my face as she stared at me.

"You make my life so much better. Every day," my heart fluttered at her words as I hid my face, a blush starting to form on my cheeks. I was never good with this type of thing.

I felt her remove my hands as she let out a breathy laugh, holding them in her lap.

"No just listen..fuck I've never said this to anybody," I smiled down at her as the wind blew some of her hair into her face, causing her to shake it off and look somehow more perfect.

Now it was my time to brush her hair away, I tucked it behind her ears as she looked up at me, her eyes brighter than ever before.

"Every single time I look at you, you just make me so much fucking happier, bro. You're the only reason I'm even continuing with some shit, I promise you. You make my day better just by breathing, just by being here. When I knew I was going on tour...fuck, I was so scared because-"

I pouted as I saw her eyes glaze over as she spoke.

"Because I thought I'd have to be without you and god I begged Finneas, trust me. I'm never really certain about things, but there's one thing I will forever be certain about and that is you. You've flipped my life completely in the other direction."

A tear rolled down her cheek, mine following suit as we just sat with each other, crying again.

"Haven't we done enough crying?" I asked with a laugh as I wiped my tears, her wiping her own as she nodded, pulling me closer.

"Yes," she nodded her head, giggling as she hid her face in my chest, kissing between my boobs.

"Hey, Billie?" I got a hum in response, her hot cheeks pressing against my cool skin as I pulled her face up to meet mine.

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