hurt. lost. and confused.

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I figured out the fact that relationships just aren't for me. it may have been the fact that I was never home as I had hockey or the fact that she just wasn't the one. I didn't want my feelings to be fucked with so I guess this is me explaining the fact that my girlfriend and I broke up...she was perfect. she turned out to be the most caring, unpredictable women I have ever met but it wasn't that, that scared me. it was the fact that I felt my feelings we're being fucked with because she didn't know her own.. yes she's pregnant with my child and yes I love her and I always will love her but I can't do this anymore. it hurts too much to know that I can't be the proper boyfriend. I don't want drama. I don't want people saying I knew this would happen... I guess I should say I'm sorry Brooklyn for putting you through absolute shit... you didn't deserve it. I hope you find someone so much better... I plan to move on.. find someone perfect for me and I hope it works out for you, finding someone new like I am planning to do.... best of luck in the future...

a lost, hurt and confused man. 


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