Chapter 1

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Brian's P.O.V.

"Roger"!!!, he looks distracted as I'm shouting at him. You came into soon yet again before Freddie's piano chord. Roger has a look of aggravation on his face, "Are you joking, I am coming in on time it sounds perfectly fine to me". I continue yelling at him, it still sounds off beat Rog. I'm getting tired of you not paying attention or not listening properly to the way this song is suppose to be played. Roger is now being a dick and throws his drum sticks on the floor, "Fuck off Brian, I'm doing my job, you need to do yours and stop staring at Freddie's Arse hoping that he'll pay attention to you". "We all know you fancy him and stare at him every chance you get when he's not looking". I glared at him for that off putting remark and told him to shut the fuck up. Meanwhile Freddie is staring at the both of us shaking his head. "Boys, Boys just stop it stop it right now." "You both are not coming in on time when I need you to." he says. "This track has certain key elements that require a keen ear for the sound to come out right". He then goes on to chastise us like we're children stating "Now you can sit here and argue like kids all night or we can keep working at it until we get it right." I look at Freddie with an unamused look , Freddie, that's what I've been trying to tell him to come in after your chord just before mine. I pause for a moment to collect myself apparently I'm not getting through to either of them. You know what I'm done for today. Maybe if our drummer boy would stay out of the pubs every night we can finally finish this blasted song!! Freddie was taken aback by my harsh tone regarding his song but I was very angry. "Darling you really are in a shitty mood today aren't you". He goes onto say. "Look why don't we just call it a day and resume this shit for tomorrow." Freddie turns to Roger and hands him some sheet music. "Here dear, take this with you, just look it over for awhile ok". Freddie was very patient with Roger much more than I would be right now. I spat at Roger, "And stay home for a bloody change!" Roger turns and rolls his eyes at me and stammers out of the room shouting "Oh yeah well Fuck off and not in Freddie's Arse." slamming the door behind him. Freddie, Im really getting tired of his shit, lately all he wants to do is get pissed every night and shag anything that looks at him. Freddie looks at me with disappointment in his eyes, "Well my dear, it wasn't that long ago that I too was doing the exact same thing that he was shagging every free roaming cock that I could get my hands on in an attempt to fine love". My head was down now as I feel bad for showing a lack of sensitivity regarding his past. Freddie was extremely wild and out of control a while back and he really has changed over these last few months. I walk over towards him and place my hand on his shoulder. "Im sorry for saying that to you it was cruel and hurtful I know you've changed for the better and I'm really proud of you."His eyes seemed to lighten up at the remorse that I was showing. "Darling, I accept your apology for now, next time I might not be so forgiving" he said in a playful manner. "Roger is just enjoying his new found excitement with men". "I certainly know how that feels wanting to explore the forbidden". But, it doesn't last long and Roger will soon find that out and if he doesn't we will be there for him like you were there for me. I pat Freddie on his shoulder to soften the tense mood that's in the air right now. "Right well let's bugger off and get a drink and put an end to this exhausting day. "Lovely" he said, we then began packing up our belongings and in doing so I cant help but watch him and admire how sexy he looks right now. Roger shooting off his mouth about me staring at Freddie was uncalled for and I'll speak to that prat later on. But, as I'm watching him mess about right now,  he is a very attractive man I've always thought so. His smoldering dark brown eyes I can just drown in them and his beautiful long dark tresses that fall over his jawline really defines how gorgeous this man is. I know he has this new attitude right now with what a changed mindset, but I can't help but ponder about what it would be like to be with him other than just bandmates. Startled out of my day dream, Freddie mentions, "I can use a drink right now and I also need to talk to you about a comment that John made to me earlier about our little drummer boy, I'll tell you later when we get to where we're going". As we're leaving the studio I ask him how John was doing because he had missed practice today due to a sudden emergency. "Darling, all John told me was that it was a personal matter that needed to be taken care of so I just left it at that". I look at Freddie and we both shrug our shoulders and proceed on with the night. Honestly, Im glad Im spending time with Freddie, we can catch up on old times and I am curious as to what is going on with John right now. He has been acting a bit strange and distant lately.

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