Chapter 7

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Freddie's P.O.V.

After that fiasco, I go into the Bathroom and throw some water on my face. It's all my fault that this happened.! I'm feeling really sad right now. I should have called for more band meetings a long time ago. I knew Roger could be hot headed at times, but I've never seen him act this vicious. He is out of control. Whatever is bothering him I hope it goes away quickly. We have to much invested for it to go to shit because he can't get it together. As much as I was opposed to the idea of band members hooking up, I now feel its necessary for the future of our band. Hopefully, he and John can get together soon so we can all stay on the same page.Its paramount that we stick together for our success. Anyway, Im just leaving out of the bathroom and I need some air, Hey guys, I'm going outside for a moment. I need a cigarette. They all nod their heads at me as I'm walking outside. I had to get out of there to get some fresh air and clear my head. The future of our band is on the line and I feel like a lot of this is riding on me. As soon as I light my cigarette Brian comes outside. He must have sensed that I was feeling like shit. "Babe, are you ok?" he asks me.  Bri, I'm fine I just feel bad about Roger and the way he's been acting lately. We should have had more band meetings Brian. This could have been avoided had we had them sooner. i.e. Roger and his issues should have been addressed early on. I hate when things get blown out of proportion and now Roger hates me and thinks I'm a selfish person and God knows what else he's thinking. Brian is wiping away a tear from my face. "Freddie. Look at me babe, whatever is going on with Roger right now he has to come to terms with that." "Its not your job to fix his life." "And you're right we should have had more band meetings, I agree with you on that." "As far as Roger is concern, he'll come around, he always does." Brian is really trying to help me get through this and I love him dearly for it. Awe, you're very sweet to me darling and I appreciate you coming out here to comfort me. However, relationships aside we are a band first and that takes precedence over anything else. People are depending on us dear, I exclaimed. He nodded his head in agreement. Moreover, you know how I like to work Bri!.This band means everything to me! I'm literally crying right now as I'm saying this to him. He then takes his hand to my face and wipe away my tears. "I know babe and we will get the work done so try not to beat yourself up about this ok babe? I move in close and give Brian a quick kiss on the lips for being extremely helpful plus I can't resist his beautiful lips. I'll consider Roger's proposal on having more creative input because it's the right thing to do at this point. We all need each other regardless if we don't agree with each others ideas. Brian leans in for a hug and I give it to him."Babe it will be alright ok, we are going to make it which includes you and me and our band.""You've done so much already to get us to this point.""Our fan base is constantly growing and our schedule is practically booked." I know dear and I want it to stay that way no matter what. You coming out here has made me feel a lot better darling. I hope you're right about Roger though. Anyway, I was just thinking you could of really knocked the shit out of Roger.I started chuckling after I said that. But you didn't and I'm very proud of you for that. "Oh I was close if you weren't in the way he would be still on the floor as we speak, I'm glad you intervened babe." I'm glad I did too. We wouldn't want to add to his already growing list of complaints. Brian and I are chucking trying to make light of the situation. Well my dear, since you've shown an incredible amount of restraint today perhaps later on you can show me just how unrestricted you can become.I coyly wink at him and he slyly smiles back at me when I mention that to him. My place again tonight? I ask him. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else babe." You're so naughty Mr.May who knew. I flash him a devilish smile.and Brian is smiling with his head down acting shy right now. "Let's do it"he said sounding particularly excited.  Right, well let's get back inside before they start to become suspicious. We make our way back inside and I hear the studio telephone ringing.

Author's note, short chapter guys, will be updating soon. Thx for your patience.

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