Chapter 17

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Roger's P.O.V.

After what seemed liked forever, I finally get to take John home from the hospital. I've been here  day and night with Deaky making sure he sees my face when he wakes up. The doctor's said that he was now strong enough to be at home with minimal assistance and I couldn't be more thrilled. His hospital stay wound up being a total of six weeks which I believe is a long time, but because he had a couple of relapses he had to stay longer. John wasn't getting enough blood flow to one of his heart valves which is what caused the relapses. However, the doctors have corrected the issue and John is ready to go home.

Moreover, Deaky's mum was wonderful. She's been here with me everyday tending to her son. She's even brought up food for me so I wouldn't have to eat the nasty hospital crap that they serve here. I'm really looking forward to seeing her more often and hope that one day she accepts me into her son's life if John will have me. I don't think it will be a problem seeing as though she already accepts her son with being gay. Nevertheless, John and I have a lot to discuss when we get home.

"Are you ready John? I asked him

'Oh God yes. If I stay here a day longer, I think I might just die in here.' John was quite anxious to get out of here and I don't blame him. Hospitals are terribly uncomfortable not to mention the food.

I walk out of the room to retrieve the wheel chair and gather all of John's belongings. I'm just as anxious as he is to get back into the comforts of my own home. Brian and Freddie are at my house right now waiting for us. They decided to throw a little welcome home party for John which I couldn't be more than happy about. He deserves it after everything he's been through.

"Come on let's get out of this place before they hold us against our will." John and I are chucking at what I just said.

'Right, unfortunately I have to wait just a little bit longer.' 

"Really, damn why John.?

'The nurse has to prepare my medical release papers so I can be cleared to go home. She said it would only be a few more minutes. A few minutes too long for me. I just can't wait to get the hell out of here.' John is a little tetchy right now probably due to the the meds he's on. Hopefully, they speed up the process.

"Hey John, I was thinking since the doctor's said you need at least a week to recover at home, maybe you can stay at my place so I can look after you. How's that sound?" I hope he says yes.

'Are you serious!.. I was just going to ask you that very same question. I would be honored to stay at your place Roger. Thank you so much.' John is blushing like a ripe tomato. He's just as excited as I am.

"Perfect, and I also have a surprise waiting for you at my place as well John." Don't even think about asking me what it is cos I'm not telling. I slyly wink at John and he shakes his head with a cute little smirk on his face.

'You know I hate surprises Roger. I don't think my heart can take anymore excitement. I don't want to end up back here.' John's chuckling at what he just said knowing full well that won't be the case. But I still try and reassure him.

"No, it's nothing real crazy, I assure you John and you will not be back in this place anytime soon ok?"

'Ok if you say so. I'm just glad that I get to leave this cold place and sleep in a warm bed for change.'

"I know it won't to be long now," I said to him. 

I wish they hurry the hell up with the release  papers. I'm dying for my bed too and hopefully John's in it with me, but I'm getting ahead of myself. I'll revisit that thought at a later time.

Anyway, as we're sitting here waiting for the nurse to come back, I am over the moon to have John stay with me for a whole week. Hopefully, our time together will bring us closer and we can really take the time to get to know each other. Who knows maybe I can take him out on a fancy date by the end of the week. That's if he's up to it of course.

"Hey you."

'You talking to me Rog.?'

'Yes you, who else is here.' 

'Well, if I'm a betting man, I do believe you're trying to flirt with me. Is that right or am I just being weird right now?' John is blushing again and I can't help but feel completely smitten by this man right now.

"Why, do you not like me flirting with you?" I asked him and now my cock is getting hard, Fuck.. John is just too sexy even sitting in this wheel chair and I want to fuck him so bad. But let me calm down before the nurse walks back in and sees my hard on that's quite apparent right now. I don't want her getting the wrong idea if you know what I mean.

'Actually, if you're not careful Mr. Taylor, I might recover faster than you think.' John is indulging me in this little flirting game and I absolutely love it.

"Well maybe I'll just keep on flirting then. You've been out of commission far too long John Deacon and I believe a good time is in order for you. Don't you think?" I look directly into his emerald eyes and now our eyes are locked into a heated gaze. Yeah real good for my erection right now.

'Are you willing to show me a good time Roger?' He winked at me after saying that. John is more clever than I thought saying all the right things making me want to drive my tongue between his lips.

"Oh Absolutely," I said to him.

Finally, the nurse walks back in with John's release papers and we proceed to head out of the hospital. When we get to the front entrance of the hospital, I tell John to wait for me while I go bring the car around. I hop out of the car and help John get into the car with his belongings. Once we're settled and ready to go John suddenly leans over towards me and places a sweet tender kiss on my lips. It was wonderful.

"What was that for?" I ask him

'Roger, I've been wanting to do that since the day I met you. Thank you for taking care of me throughout my stay in the hospital.  Now can I ask you a question.  Don't freak out on me Ok.

'Will you be my boyfriend?'

"Oh God Yes.. Yes John. I would love nothing more"

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