Chapter 10

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Brian's P.O.V.

As we're sitting here waiting for the doctor's to come out, I hold on to Freddie and Roger for comfort. I still can't believe this happened to our beloved John. I don't know what we're going to do if we lose him. I hope they catch the bastard who did this. I hope he rots under the fucking jail for all I care. John's mother and other family members have just arrived. Myself, Freddie and Roger go over to greet them and we all embrace for a long heartfelt hug. I take John's mother to a private corner and explain everything that has happened to her son, she automatically breaks down into a mess of tears. Freddie immediately comes over to try and console and comfort her. "Mrs. Deacon, we're so sorry that this happened to John" he's crying on her shoulder as he saying this to her. "I'm ok, I just wish someone would tell me something, anything about my son's condition!!" John's mother is still very upset at this point as we all are. "Hey guys, the doctor is here to talk us about John's condition." Roger came over with the doctor. The doctor approaches us, "Hi everyone, I'm Dr. Walker, right now John is in critical but stable condition." Freddie immediately burst into tears. Calm down Freddie, let him finish, I told him. The doctor goes on to say, "The bullets that entered him one just missed his heart and the other hit him in his left shoulder." "He's in surgery right now to remove these bullets mainly the one near his heart.""I can't make any promises right now, but we will keep you updated if their are any changes to his condition.""When can we see him?",Roger asked. "As soon as he comes out of surgery and remains stable which may take a while.""Like I said, we will let you know as soon as possible." Thank you doctor, please do all you can to save him please!! I shake the doctor's hand before he walks off. 

Roger's P.O.V.

We were planning to have a fun night together and this shit happens! I have my head down with my hands over my face sitting next to Freddie. I just can't understand why John?, he never bothers anybody. He didn't deserve this Freddie! "I know Roger." Freddie has his hand on my shoulder as we sit here trying to make sense of all of this. The strange thing is, I thought about asking him on a date, but he was with that loser. "Roggie, look at me, you know John likes you too.""We had a talk the other night about how he was going to ask you out.""In fact, he was going to tell you how he felt about you tonight before this happened." Oh Freddie really, he wanted to be with me? Fuck, tears a rolling down my face right now. I had no clue that he felt this way about me! "Yes dear, he's felt this way for some time now." Unfortunately, my stupid rule prevented him from asking you." "There is no more rule Rog.""Now I feel awful because of it.""You two could have been together sooner instead of that arsehole he hooked up with." Freddie starts crying on my shoulder again. Hey I'm not giving up hope. John is going to make it through this and I'm not going anywhere until he wakes up! As soon as he wakes up, I'm telling him how I feel about him. "Oh darling, John will be thrilled to know you want to be with him." "He might recover faster just knowing you're there for him."Freddie and I embrace in more hugging and crying still overwhelmed by all of this. Listen Freddie, I'm sorry for acting like such a jackarse to you and Brian. You guys didn't deserve that. I hope you understand that I didn't mean those terrible things I said. I just felt like something was missing in my life. Its hard to explain Freddie. I just hope its not to late for John and me. He deserves a proper boyfriend in his life. "Rog. listen, John is going to make it out of this alive, you'll see." "You two will be shagging in no time." Freddie has a small smirk on his face in attempt to lighten the situation. I sure hope so Freddie. They better find that guy before I do!!! I just may kill him if I see him!!!!

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