Chapter Twenty

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After a week or so, I found myself on Skype, wondering something. Meredith and I know each other pretty well now. We know each other's names, ages, favorite colors and foods and activities. Would the next step to internet friendship be a video call, or something else..? It was a silent thought I had ever since my mother asked me about it, and I couldn't help but think: I really want to know what she looks like.

When I thought about it, everything about Meredith was seemingly beautiful. Her voice was enchanting. Her personality is spectacular. Her appearance to me would be nonetheless.

She really is a beautiful soul.

I wasn't sure if now was the time, but I was already sliding into my chat with her, typing on my keyboard.


I got a question

What is it?

we've been through a lot, ya know

Yeah, of course

would it be.. "appropriate" of me to ask if we could video call?


Like.. with our faces showing?

I mean, if you're comfortable, yeah

Well.. sure then.

Here, I'll start the call.

A notification popped up on my screen.

Miss_Massacre would
like to video call you.


My mouse hovered over the "accept" option, and I clicked on it. My heart was pounding with exhilaration as I watched the three dots on the screen bounce, trying to sync our webcams. I squeezed my eyes shut when I was suddenly blinded by the screen's light. The image changed, and I peeked from behind my arm, blinking rapidly. When I was able to see properly, I felt my heart stop itself in my throat as I inhaled sharply.

Meredith.. is more stunning than I actually ever expected.

She looked so normal, and yet, there was an interesting rush to her. Her hair was a light brown, contrasting with her white skin. My eyes widened when I saw that her eyes were different colors, one being emerald green and the other an amethyst purple. Before I could tell what was happening, I crashed into the floor of my bedroom, falling out of my chair.

It was just then that the webcams synced up.

"L-Lukas?" Meredith called out quietly.

I froze in my position on the floor, a hand slapped over my mouth as a blush thickened on my face. Can words even justify her alluring appearance? I knew she was confused when she saw an empty room, so I gulped down my pride. Maybe the term "goddess" is proper. Slowly, I pulled myself off the floor and sat in my chair properly, looking at the screen with a flustered expression. Meredith's eyes were wide as she took a first glance at me. Just like me, her cheeks reddened immediately, though I couldn't tell if it was because she found me as attractive as I found her.

"W-What were you doing o-on the floor..?"

Her voice synced up with her image.

I put my elbows on my desk, covering my face with my hands as my blush pricked my ears. "This is going to sound so stupid if I say it out loud..." I whispered, answering her. I put my hands down and looked at her once more, my breathing a little light. I couldn't see her properly, too infatuated and blinded by how beautiful she was. How can she find herself unattractive? Everything about her is alluring to me. "I fell out of my chair.. when I saw you."

My heart pounded when she smiled softly, leaning over on her desk. "Am I that hideous that you didn't expect it?" She asked in a slight joking manner. I sensed the insecurity in her voice. "I warned you so many times."

My eyes widened, and I shook my head vigorously, denying her assumption. "T-That's not it, Meredith!" She gave me a questioning look, tilting her head in a cutesy way, and I blushed once again. "I-I didn't know.. that you were this beautiful..."

Meredith immediately went red, blushing furiously from my words. "I'm flattered that you think that, Lukas," she whispered quietly, pulling a strand of her hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear.

She's nervous.

Flustered maybe.

It took us a minute to stop blushing furiously and looking away from each other. We were still both flustered, but I ignored it and asked her, "Can I just say something before I lose any confidence to not say it?"

"Of course."

I sighed heavily, and then smiled up at her again. Her head cocked to the side, puzzled. "I just— your eyes." This only confused her a little more. "They're so.. stunning. Like, really.. really pretty." The blush on her face made me lean over, and I stared at her sparkling eyes, smiling brightly. "I like them. Their colors. Don't wear contacts to cover them, alright?"

Meredith nodded curtly, hiding her shy blush with a curtain of her hair.

I smiled lightly.

She really is beautiful.

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