Chapter Forty Three

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A deafening silence cut through the air, and I felt a cold sweat running down my neck as the red glow disappeared, along with the knife. The Deceiver attribute has its advantages when it comes to intimidation, but was it enough to convince him that I have the Blood Assassin knife? He is a mastermind, after all. As I inhaled sharply to calm myself down, William Kei let out a quiet sigh.

"You've grown powerful enough to be able to wield such a weapon?" He asked, his voice just as quiet. He believed it?! There was a shudder to his shoulders as he continued in a small voice, "Even with the Blood Assassin line from your mother, you shouldn't be able to wield it because of only being half a Blood Assassin descendant."

I let out a laugh, stifling in my nervousness by taking this chance as a hand went to my mouth to keep me from showing any negative emotions. "Don't believe me yet?" I bit back, smiling deviously as I suggested, "I can test it out on you."

He froze visibly, only to recover just as quickly. There was a moment of silence before he closed his eyes and said, "If we're using threats here, I'll take this chance to introduce someone to you." He looked up at me with his yellow eyes glowing in a murderous gaze, and a hint of insanity was in it. "You know him very well."

To my left, someone stepped out of the shadows, which I hadn't noticed before. No one was there before. My eyes caught a glance at a few gravitational waves in the air around the figure, but I pushed it away when my eyes took a gander at the person. My blood froze immediately, and I clenched my jaw at the familiar face as the hairs on my arm rose slightly.


"Meet my accomplice, Dexter," William Kei said, introducing the disgusting piece of shit for him. "Unlike the weakling Leo that I raised, he's been of use to me."

"You don't know Leo enough to call him a weakling," I said in a stern voice, my hand clenching itself into a fist as my arm glowed orange. He's reacting angrily. I glared at Dexter, who had the guts to stare back innocently at me with a small smile. "What is he looking at?"

"He can't hear us, so save your voice." William Kei (I refused to shorten his name no matter what) fiddled with a pen that was laying on his desk, saying casually, "Anyway, I needed someone to watch the outside world for me, Meredith." I caught a glimpse of his eyes as he smirked, adding, "So, I stole Gavin Lowse and Layla Hicken's child from them and raised him myself. You should know who those two are, right?"

My eyes widened.

"I wonder how Gavin and Layla are doing, Tristan."

"I bet they're having a great time. I just received an email from Gavin yesterday, saying they have given birth to a son!"

"That's wonderful! Do you think he and our daughter would be great friends? We could set up play dates and picnics and—"

"Alright, alright, don't ramble now."

I clutched my head, and William Kei sat up, trying to see if I was alright, as if he cared. I don't remember hearing Mom and Papa saying that... Is it possible— I held my breath suddenly, feeling it stuck in my throat as hallucinations filled the room. Shadows and ghosts of screaming and wailing victims began ringing in my ears, and I felt confined to the chair I was sitting in as my hands grasped the armrests tightly. There was the sound of a woman— a mother— crying. I felt the presence of a fatherly figure hugging her, and suddenly, it all disappeared.

He stole... their child?

Their son...

They wanted us to be friends.

Suddenly, I was outside of the forcefield around William Kei's desk and the chair I was in, standing in front of Dexter. The forcefield is like a two-way mirror. You can look and see someone clearly through it, but the forcefield is only visibly from the outside. William Kei had yet to notice, but Dexter found me in front of him earlier than I intended. His eyes were wide as my body glowed emerald green, slowing time down in the office. I stepped forward, my hands in fists.

"I'll kill you for what you did to Stephanie," I spat lowly, clenching my jaw. "It's not even about me right now, and as a pretty selfish person, that's a lot. I care, because you hurt... her."

I couldn't help but feel my knees shake, as if the fear was just kicking in. I didn't believe or feel scared in any way, but as soon as I started feeling hands grabbing and touching my body, I couldn't control myself. My eyes widened, and I suddenly fell to the floor in front of Dexter, on my knees as I trembled.

There's too many hands...


Don't touch me.


"You're the first I'll kill..." I muttered under my breath to Dexter, though I wasn't sure if he could hear me. "You, and then that pathetic old man behind that desk."

Time resumed immediately as I stood onto my feet, my arms glowing red. A spear appeared in my hand, and I pointed it at Dexter's chest, over where his heart was. He'll be a swift kill, with no mercy. He inhaled sharply, not baring a glance at me as he looked past my figure towards his master.

"Sit down again, Meredith," I heard William Kei usher in a sweet voice, "before you do something stupid."

I stopped the Summoning attribute in the midst of it, glancing over my shoulder at the man. He had a stern look on his face, and I growled under my breath. I can't risk being injured right now. If anything, I need to do what's best for my own survival. Turning back around, I kicked Dexter's knee as hard as I could with my boot, hearing him cry out in pain as he fell to the floor. I sat in the chair reluctantly, glaring at the criminal mastermind before me.

"What the fuck do you want now?" I snapped angrily, feeling my emotions becoming riled.

William Kei smiled, and he said, "I suggest you leave quietly and peacefully before... something scandalous happens. You should know the drill for this. When you leave and you tell anyone about this, you know what'll happen, don't you?"

I stood back up and kicked the chair over, waving my middle finger at the man as I said, "Yeah, yeah, you mad fucker. I couldn't give two fucks anymore after you wasted my time."

I could feel the wide smile on his face as he commented, "Smart girl. You're just like your mother."

Just like Mom.

I stopped abruptly before the door of the office, and I could hear the confusion in the air that emitted from the mastermind. I let out a short laugh that refused to stay captive, smiling evilly at what he said. Turning around, I put my hands out, watching my palms start to heat up as yellow energy began to form in them. William Kei stood up abruptly, startled and perplexed by what I was doing, but he was too late to stop me.

He didn't calculate this at all.

"Your little games of world domination end today, you old fucker!" I shouted, feeling the adrenaline kick in.

Golden colors of lights began glowing, swirling into a portal behind me as the wind tried to suck me in. My hood was pulled back, and my hair began flying as a wild and spunky grin appeared on my face. Figures stepped out of the portal, and I heard a heavy sigh beside the footsteps.

"Precision of language, dear," Mom scolded, pouting at me.

Papa laughed next to her, "She's definitely got most of your traits, Cheryl."

Leo appeared behind me, patting my head proudly as he said, "Good job. I'm glad you didn't get hurt."

"Agh, the portal was so cramped..!" Julia whined, stretching out her back.

A few FBI agents grabbed the adults' attentions, reminding them quickly, "Heroes and affiliates! Do not forget what we have assembled for!"

"What the hell is this?!" I heard William Kei shout, an angry aura swirling around him.

I grinned excitedly at him, exclaiming, "The team that'll bring you down one last time!"

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