Epilogue - [5/5]

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Epilogue - [5/5]
Wait For Me Under
The Willow Tree

A long-awaited night's sleep finally came by, and I sat down on my bed, staring at the mirror on the opposite wall. It hadn't come to me how much time had passed on. As I stared at myself, I couldn't help but think. I couldn't never help but think. My hands went up to my face, and I pushed my cheeks inward. It's hard to imagine that I almost died so many times. My green eye twitched in response, making me let go of my face.

This body refuses to sleep.


A quiet wind was heard, whistling around me. I frowned. Swear I closed the window tonight... The gentle and lulling melody of a lyre cleared my mind, ridding itself of curious questions, and a hushed voice whispered in my ear.

"This is my gift to you, descendant..." came Aristi's voice.

As soon as I heard her, I sat up immediately, only finding myself outside in the middle of nowhere. My heart was thumping a thunderous rhythm, and as I placed my hand on my chest to feel it pound, my eyes wandered. I was sitting in a wheat field, with the dry straws following the direction of the wind. The moon illuminated over my head, casting over me with the black sky behind it. Stars filled the empty space, and I pushed myself up to my feet.

"Aristi..?" I whispered, calling out my ancestor's name.

A rush of wind responded in her place, pushing me forward as it picked up the skirt of the white dress I was suddenly wearing. I took it as a sign to walk forward. Glancing ahead of me, the small silhouette of a willow tree stood there, with a ball of yellow light hanging on its trunk. My eyes were captivated by it, as it was the only thing standing here excluding me. With my bare feet, I walked through the tall grass, slowly making my way to the tree.

A delighted giggle escaped my mouth when the tips of the grass tickled my thighs, and I looked up at the sky with a smile on my face. The cold air of the night made me breathe easy. I was able to make out an old and rusted lamp that was hanging on the willow tree as I got closer. Breaking into a sprint, I ran for the tree, seeing it grow bigger and taller. My hand touched the withering trunk when I reached it, and I breathed in deeply, catching my breath.

"Aristi?" I called out again. Looking around, I lifted the skirt up, avoiding the prickling tips of the grass. "Are you here?"

This time, there was no response from anything.

No wind.

No rustling.


Letting out a cold sigh, I slid my back against the tree, slumping down to the ground. The grasses pushed aside for my body. My gaze moved from horizon to the sky, seeing the willow's arched branches. A feeling was sent down my spine, and I shivered. It feels like I'm supposed to be waiting. Reaching out, my fingertips brushed against the lowest branch, feeling the little leaves. But, for what?

It was quiet for a few seconds, but I soon heard someone grunt from behind me, then the tree shaking when someone thumped against it. Hearing the grass crunch underneath them, I squeaked and quickly my breath with a tight jaw. They jolted as well. Who the absolute fuck is that? My hand glowed red as I cautiously peeked from behind my side of the tree. However, it seemed like they had the same idea, because I came face-to-face with a man.

Again, my breath stopped in my throat.

Bright blue eyes were staring back at me, with their host as mesmerized as I was. The strands of strawberry blonde hair hanging over his forehead were unmistakable, and alongside the semi-strong jaw and square face shape, I immediately knew who it was. The cute little dimple in his left cheek gave him away immediately, so I didn't need a second thought.


He stared back with an incredulous expression on his face. A grin was readily available.


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