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“Are you serious?” I ask.

“Yes, I’m serious, otherwise you will be doing after school detention, which is cleaning up the school, for 3 hours. And you will be doing that once a week for the rest of the semester”.


“Yes, Miss Casio, now off you go, the recess bell should go in a few minutes”.

I wait for the recess bell and now I have History, which is the same with Spencer, so I start walking to History. I just reach the class when the bell goes and everyone is walking out. I get oodles of dirty looks from girls as walking out of class and when I see Spencer, he grabs my arm, and halls me into the boy’s bathroom. No one is in there thank god, and surprisingly it is much cleaner and smells better than the girl’s bathroom. He checks under the doors before getting the wooden block and sliding it under the door, once everything is in check, he rushes over towards me and slams his lips against mine. I soon register what is happening and kiss him back. He explores my mouth with his tongue and eventually we pull apart for air, we gasp as we hear the bell ring and I realise I have double food tech. I kiss him again lightly before he speaks.

“Meet back here at lunch time?” he says.

“I thought you were mad at me?” I say touching his cheek. He winces as I touch the hurt part but, slowly caress it. Spencer grabs my wrist and pulls me toward him where I can feel his heartbeat.

“I couldn’t be mad at you, in fact I actually like you, took a beating for you though, I’ll tell you at Lunch, but let’s just keep this between us, out of this, room, we hardly talk, and then people will move away”.

‘We have to get to class” I say quickly.

“It’s only a few minutes, what do you have?”

“Food Tech”

“PDHPE for me then” he replies.

I quickly kiss him on the way out the door, before checking if the coast is clear. I run to Food Tech, with much speed I think I’m going to do a sport for the school (JUST TO GET OFF MY ASS), I had the perfect body for an athlete, the only thing that was bad was that I have glasses for long vision as I need them, yet I try to wear contacts most days, so on one knows I have glasses, I’ll be counted as a dork. I enter into Food Tech to find we are doing theory for both the lessons, just great. I sit down when my phone buzzes and its Sophie on the line. I miss the call but I text her during class to say I’m sorry and I’ll ring her at lunch, as I am in class. She messages back not even a minutes later and says, OK.

Food Tech was boring when you weren’t cooking and it turns out that we got an assignment that lesson, I wasn’t really paying attention when the Principal came into the class.

“May I have Miss Casio?” everyone was Oohing me. I walked out of class to find Spencer standing there as well. We walked in silence, but the silence I couldn’t handle.

“What’s going on?” I ask whispering.

“I don’t know, something about what happened with us?”

“I thought we had spoken to them?”

“We did, didn’t we?”

We eventual walk straight into the principal’s office, and take a seat, THANK GOD THISWASN’T A PRIVATE SCHOOL!

“I have been told from numerous people, that you were caught, ‘making out’ (he used with fingers), by one of the girls at school. There has been a lot of ruckus about it that I reckon I know the whole story. At the moment, I think what you were doing was totally just hormonal stages and, everyone seems to think that, you’ve have had sex, now do I need to remind you that there’s a school policy we provide here”.

“No” we said in Unison.

“Well, in that case, do I have to give you over to a councillor for sex talk?”

“NO” I yell.

“God No” yells Spencer.

“Ok then back to your classes”.

Spencer and I head out of class to find that on my locker I have the word SLUT written in bold letters sprawled across it. I look at it with anger, Spencer looks at it in guilt.

“I’m really sorry I__”

“Don’t” I cut him off, “It’s not the first time”.

“Hey, Did I really hear that on the phone yesterday?”

“Hear what?”

“That you’re a virgin?”

I shut my eyes as I feel so embarrassed, pulling my hands to cover my face. He grabs my wrists and pulls my hands down, away from my face.

“Please don’t hide from me” he pleads.

I open my eyes to see his beautiful brown eyes watching me, and I know we can’t kiss in the middle of the hallway so I gently brush his hand and answer his question.

“Yes, Ahh, I feel so embarrassed”.

“Don’t worry, first times, aren’t the best” he says. Complete and utter shock rolls in my stomach. He’s not a virgin. Looking at my face, he reads my thoughts and answers my question.

“No, like I said, Junior High”

“I always seem to assume, I feel so stupid__”

“Don’t feel stupid” he says cutting me off, “Your probably one of the smartest people I know”.

“You hardly know me?”

“If I kiss you, and we talk, I think I know you better then everyone in the school”.

“True, I just wish this didn’t happen” I say pointing at my locker.

“OK, new plan” says Spencer, “Meet me in that janitor closet, straight away at lunch”.



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