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I laid in bed for what felt like hours and finally drifted off, what seemed like 5 minutes later, my alarm went off. I turned it off and went to have a shower, I don’t know but for some reason but I had a massive bruise on my rib cage, and I didn’t want to tell dad. This happened a few times about 2 years ago and I was prescribed with medication that would put me out in minutes so. I wasn’t telling dad no matter what. I was more scared of what would happen today, when everyone found out that on my first day I made out with one of the jocks of the school. I trembled at the thought of being known as the slut of the school, yet I was still a virgin. Oh no, and now Spencer knows since Sophie mentioned t yesterday, uh, this day is going to get worse. I heard a knocking on the door. “Grace, there’s someone at the door for you” says Mae.

“I’ll be out in a second”. In no matter of time, thinking that they are playing a joke on me I come down stairs only wrapped in a towel to find e guy with Hazel eyes leaning on the door. Oh my lord, I was so screwed. I stood there dumb founded moth gaping as he was standing there with a huge grin and winking at me.

“Hey, beautiful, want a ride to school?” says the guy.

“I have a car” I say back abruptly. “I’m going to get dressed” I reply and run back up the stairs to get dressed, when I come back down there is only 15 minutes to get to school and Hazel boy is still standing there. “What are you still doing here?” I ask.

“You never said No?”

“I never said Yes either, get the picture, I don’t want a ride?”

“Ahh, actually dad took your car off you, for a week for yelling at him last night” says Mae.


“Looks like that ride is needed, come on beautiful” he says, and for some unknown reason, I start walking to hazel boy’s car, and finally hop in. Once the car starts I realise I’m in the car and sigh.

“So, having a rough day?” he says, “Sorry about yesterday, I’m Harry”.

“Grace” I fake smile.

“So, heard you made out with Spencer, True or False?” he asks

I moan and place my head in my hands realising that probably everyone knows now. Realising my reaction he nods.

“True it is, you should be proud?”

“Why?” I moaned.

“Because, Spencer is like the only guy that hasn’t made out with every girl in the school, in fact, he hasn’t made out with anyone, in high school, really I think maybe once or twice in junior high but that’s it”.

Wow, especially since the boys were talking about girls hooking up with ex-boyfriends, and the girls were best friends, maybe it won’t be too bad. But yet I’m in Harry’s car, and I’ll turn up to school with everyone staring at me. “Can, you let me out here, I’ll walk the rest of the way”.

“We have 5 minutes to be at school?”

“”it’s fine, I’d rather avoid trouble till recess”.

He pulls to the side of the rode and lets me out, after he has left me, I walk with my bag, and books the rest of the way to school. When I finally arrive at school, I’m only 10 minutes late, and I wished I wasn’t 10 minutes but later. I walked to the front office where I signed in, but I didn’t so they tried to ring my dad, thank god, he didn’t answer, that would have big traumatic spit in whether I shouldn’t have the car for another week. My first class was Medical Engineering with a teacher named Mr Kotex, and surprising since, he is only 24 years old. Apparently he graduated school at age 16 and was doing both a teaching and medical degree at the same time. I walked into the class to have everyone staring at me. Mr Kotex was the only one who didn’t and kept writing on the white board. “Ah Miss Casio, glad you could make it, take a seat and stay back at the end of class to get the work you missed”. I nodded and sat down on a chair in the back row. Everyone was passing notes, probably about me, until the teacher saw us passing notes, well not me.

“Abi, do you care to share what’s on the note?”

“Well, it would be rude though, it involves someone in this room” says Abi. I have my arms crossed with my head laying on top and I feel like I’m drifting off when the teacher takes the note and starts reading out loud.

“Abi- Did you hear about the new girl?

Leica- Yeh, made out with someone on the first day.

Abi- so jealous though, he is pretty cute.

Leica- who wouldn’t want to make out with Spencer Geoganor.

Abi- I heard that she got a ride to school with Harry though?

Leica- Never know but this girl is more of a slut then I thought if she can get everyone in her pants”.

After that remark, I yelled back, just like always, speaking before thinking. “Considering, most of the girls you hang around go after your best friend’s ex-boyfriends and I’ve only been here one day, you really should rethink what you write down. Yes, I did make out with Spencer, yes I might have got a ride to school from Harry but nothing happened, and for your matter, you don’t know anything about me, I bet that you have either made out with or had sex with all your best friends ex-boyfriends, am I right… good, cause you might not know but I’ll tell everyone, just to make sure everyone knows,  that I, yes me, am still a virgin, so you can go suck on a dick for all I care”.

Now I am, at the principal’s office, for the first time and I haven’t even been here for a week, good job Grace. After making the remark, the girls stood in shock after what I had, said, and all the boys cheered me on, though Mr Kotex, was indeed not very happy and sent me out straight away. I’ve been sitting outside for a while now and I don’t know what is taking so long but I’m good with patience. The second period bell has gone, and I bet with how fast news travels, that everyone will know what I did during medical engineering. The principal’s door opens and Spencer walks out with another dude, were they both have red cheeks, and Spencer has a scratch on his cheek and the other dude has a bloody nose. I look towards Spencer and mouth the words ‘R U OK’, he nods and tells me to see him at recess, I nod and then I am being called into the office.

“Miss Casio, care to explain what happened in Medical Engineering?” he says.

“Some girls were passing a note around, I got carried away, I’m sorry”.

“Would this happen to be about, you and Spencer?”

I looked up in shock and surprise, finally getting the message the principal nods, and tells me to keep calm and don’t let this happen again, so technically I got off with a warning.

“And, I mean it Miss Casio, after that behaviour though I’m afraid that you need to join either a sport or group for the rest of the semester”. WHAT!!!

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