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Jongdae's PoV:

"Jongin, have you seen Chanyeol??" I asked my occupied brother, currently watching Spongebob in the main living room.

He scoffed before answering with, "Why? You haven't seen that idiot yet?"

I smacked his head before grabbing the remote.

"Yah! What are you doing??"

"Should I call mom and tell her you're watching Spongebob all day instead of finishing the company work?" I asked, smirking in the process.

"You wouldn't dare." He answered back while glaring at me.

"Where is he then?!" I screamed at him.

"I don't know! Chenle said he went abroad but I'm not sure where." He argued back while grabbing the remote from my hand.
I rolled my eyes because of his stupidity.

But the only thing occupying my mind right now, was Chanyeol. Where is he?

Chanyeol's PoV:

It's been a few days... To be honest it felt great at the start.

The only thing missing was sex.

Yep, you read that right. I haven't slept with any hoe for days.

At first, my parents thought I wasn't feeling well, but then, I started to cut off from seeing any girl. Or anyone to be exact.

I felt disgusted. All my life, I thought that it was all about strip clubs, alcohol, anything to make life more exciting.

But the thing is... I was wrong.

The thing I loathed the most? Horny women, all of the contacts in my phone, even porn.
I got put off from food. So I decided, it was time for some vacation.

Kyungsoo's side|

"Mr Do, there's the good news and the bad news, which one would you like to hear first?" The doctor with thick lenses asked as he shuffled the files on his desk, anticipating Kyungsoo even more.

"Any. Just tell me." Kyungsoo sighed as he avoided the doctor's sympathetic gaze.

"Well, the good news is, you are free from any virus, bacteria or fungi," The guy started off, "The bad news is, we still haven't identified the real cause of your nausea or sickness."

"So...do I need another check up or something?" Kyungsoo asked while tapping his fingers nervously.

Should I ask him? He thought.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. You may need to pay another visit in a couple of days." The doctor replied.

Before the doctor could dismiss him, Kyungsoo asked a question that's been ramming in his head for the past couple of hours.

"D-Doctor. Can I ask you something?" The man nodded in response.

"Is it...is it possible for me to be p-pregnant?" Kyungsoo asked hesitantly.

The doctor chuckled at Kyungsoo's shyness, his glasses shaking on his nose at the process.
"As I'm aware Mr Do, there is a possible chance of male pregnancy especially with a male with your type of blood. However, there is no sign of a baby just yet, so I can't get your hopes up." He assured the younger.

Meanwhile, Sehun was going mental. Before Kyungsoo got called to the reception, he told the taller to stay put in the waiting room for some unknown reason.

Sehun ruffled his hair while he checked his phone. He's been waiting over an hour, but soon heard someone call out to him.

He looked to the side to see Chenle running to him with Chanyeol on his tail.

"Yah! Park Chenle! Where are you- Sehun?"
Chanyeol pulled his most confused face, hiding his anger as he approached his friend.

"Chenle you idiot!" Chanyeol cursed, only loud enough for his brother to hear.
He was tempted to smack his head but chose not to.

Chanyeol tried his up most best to keep his normal, stern facial expression. "Sehun...what brings you here?"

"Yah, are you fucking serious? Are you an idiot?" Chanyeol flinched at Sehun's tone. He was absolutely gobsmacked.

"What??" Chanyeol asked, hiding his shock.

"You fucking idiot. You didn't contact me. You didn't check on Kyungsoo. You didn't bother to check on his health. You didn't even bother to let me know your whereabouts!" Sehun shouted again, causing people to look their way.

Chanyeol grabbed Sehun by the collar before dragging him to a more private area with Chenle tagging along.

"Look, I don't know why the fuck you think I have anything to do with that dwarf. I was taking a break from this shit country, that's why I haven't been in contact with anyone!" Chanyeol screamed back, filled with pure anger just as Sehun.

"I fucking know! I know you guys have been sleeping together!" Sehun shot back raging with fury.

Chanyeol's eyes widen as his brain tried process what Sehun had just said.

"He told you didn't he? That fucking snake!"

He turned around about to leave, but stopped in his tracks as soon as he saw the one person he loathed ever seeing again. His breath hitched.


The one who made his heart stop.
The one who controlled him.
The one who he cannot resist.
The one he absolutely hated.
The one he loved.


Sorry for this short, rushed chapter.
I'm really busy, so I can't make such long chapters for the meantime.
Anyways, thanks for reading! ❥

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