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"Baekhyunnie...you know the ex that cheated on you...?" Jongdae asked. "Yeah?" The other replied.

"What was his name again?" Baekhyun became a little scared when he saw the look of concentration on the youngers face.

"D-Daehyun...why do you ask?"

"I thought that was his name...!" Jongdae said as his eyes flashed a gleam of realisation.

"Jongdae-yah, tell me why you wanted his name." The older pleaded, his fear rising.

"Wait, before I say anymore, what was his surname?"


"Just tell me...please."

Baekhyun sighed before he spoke again, "Jung. Jung Daehyun."

"No way..." Jongdae whispered. He has never felt so smart in his entire life. "Jung Hyeri... Baek, your ex is Chanyeol's ex's half brother."


"I know~...what a small world."

Chanyeol's side|

"Let her in.". Chanyeol spoke into the speaker of the hotel room to get room service.

When his door buzzed and opened, Chanyeol's eyes widened. It was that bitch again.

What the fuck did she want from him? What is her problem? Is she that broke that she's forcing herself on an engaged man?

"What the fuck do you want!?" Chanyeol screamed at her.

"Ch-Chanyeol oppa...why are you treating me like this? You weren't like that last night..." She mumbled while pouting.

Chanyeol was beyond confused and when she inched closer, he was physically prepared to push her away.

Instead of pushing her away, Chanyeol found himself trapped between the wall and her body.

"Y-Yah...what are you trying to do?" He stuttered when she inched her face closer. Chanyeol had no idea what he was doing or why he was glued to the spot and not fighting back.

"Chanyeol oppa...kiss me."

Just when he was about to protest she smashed her lips on his. Chanyeol's eyes widened. He pushed her away just as fast as she kissed him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TRYING!?" He screamed at her, his blood boiling.

"Nothing...anyways I gotta go. Bye oppa." Them being the last words she said before she left.

Chanyeol was left dumbstruck. He locked the door with extra security service and made sure to tell the security gaurds to be aware.

He sighed as he sat on his bed. He switched his phone on and called Kyungsoo.





'...What's wrong?'

'I miss you...a lot.'

'It's only been a day Channie. It's gonna be fine.'

Chanyeol's breath hitched and he shook his head to calm down from his sudden thirst.

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