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Sehun's side|

"Luhannie, hajima..." Sehun said while laughing his head off.

He still can't believe he listened to Kyungsoo and actually met this actor guy. It turned out, Luhan and him just weren't meant to be.

First off, Sehun liked shorter guys. Secondly, Luhan likes Yixing which is weird since that's Baekhyun's ex. Jongdae non-stop talked about him.

So, they decided to be friends. They both couldn't agree more with each other on that fact.

Luhan just finished his last chip and quickly put his mask back on. Sehun sighed and put a mask on too. "Sasaengs these days."

Luhan snorted, "You mean sasaengs since forever."

They laughed as they headed out of the restaurant and went over to Sehun's car, unaware of the tan male spying on them like a hawk.

Jongin's PoV:

There they were, getting into the Lykan. I honestly don't even know what I'm doing right now or why I'm doing it.

A sigh escaped my lips as I looked down at my watch. 8pm.

I turned away from them and headed for my own car. Before I got in, I called Jongdae to ask where he was. Surprisingly, he's not at a party but at Baekhyun's house...god knows doing what.

Throughout the whole drive home, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Who was that? What are they to each other?

I shook my head and continued to make my way home. My empty, dead home.

Kyungsoo's side|

I nearly spit the tea as soon as I saw him. What the actual fuck.

"Ah, you're the infamous Kyungsoo." The devilishly handsome man spoke as he held out his hand.

"H-Hi..." Oh god. Help me please.

He smiled. Wow. Holy moly. Okay, I should stop. He's my soon to be brother-in-fucking-law.

"Park Hyungsik." He said as I shook his hand. I smiled and bowed.

"So how's the ba-"

"HYUNG!" We both looked back to see Chanyeol and Chenle running towards us...like a bunch of elephants.

"Yah, why are you two idiots so noisy?" Hyungsik said while glaring at his brothers.

Chanyeol scoffed before getting a hold of my waist and placed a hand on my stomach, a habit he has picked up on. "We haven't see each other for a year and you start scolding us?"

"I'm just kidding guys." The eldest said as he embraced the two in a group hug.

Right now, we were in the Park's mansion since we had to figure out the date for the wedding and engagement party.

First off, can I say that Chenle is adorable. He's so cute, I wish I could just-

"Kyungsoo-ssi, are you okay?" Hyungsik asked after a dazed off.

"Of course I'm fine! Why do people keep on asking??" I blurted out. OH. MY. GOD.


Chanyeol 'coughed' before dragging Hyungsik away, leaving me and Chenle in the living room alone.

Chenle looked up at me and smiled. I swear, the Park's are gonna be the death of me.

"Kyungsoo-ssi, remember the first time we met? That was something huh..." He said while probably getting flashbacks of what happened when we first did meet.

I chuckled nervously, "Yeah...look Chenle, I'm really sorry. I wasn't in my right mind. I was stupid and a complete idiot. Please forget about that?" I looked at him with my puppy eyes, extra large.

"O-Of course Kyungsoo-ssi."

"Please call me hyung, and you don't have to be so formal you know... " I said while smiling at him.

He smiled and we started talking about how the baby was or what gender it might be. Actually, I was really glad I had someone to talk to about the baby. I'm kind of nervous but curious about how it will actually be like having a kid. I mean, I never ever thought I'd actually be having one.

After a good 15 minutes, the other two came back and started talking about the wedding, our fathers joining in later on.

About an hour later, we announced to the public of our engagement and my pregnancy. Me and Chanyeol went to our room and started thinking about names. All in all, it was a tiresome but good day.

Before we went to sleep, Chanyeol asked what I hoped he would never ask in a million years. "H-How do- I mean are you okay...? About your mom?"

I stiffened and looked up at him. I wanted to scream at him, shout my head off. But...it's not his fault. It's that bastards.

When he sensed my aura, he held me closer and whispered sorry. My heart fluttered when he pecked my forehead.

"N-No, you have the right to know." I said, causing him to look at me questioningly.

"Are you sure baby?"

I nodded and took a deep breath. "She was...something. She was as good as a mom that anyone would wish to have her. All of my 'friends' would envy me since I had everything and anything I could ask for. A loving mom and dad. But everything changed," I looked down at my hands and continued, "My dad accused my mom of doing drugs. I knew that she didn't. She didn't...right? He said that she'll bring him shame to his name." I now looked at him straight in the eye, my eyes glassy. He took my hands in his and sighed.

"Kyungsoo, regardless if your father was right or not, your mother stayed strong. I mean, I know I wasn't there to witness and I know I've never seen her, but I wouldn't have lasted that long with a man like your father was before," He paused and inhaled a deep breath. "Kyungsoo-yah, your mother was a great woman. I saw pictures, I read article after article and whatever I have read so far, it proves to me that your mom...? She was fucking amazing."

I smiled as a tear rolled down my cheeks. He kissed it away and bid good night as we drifted off to sleep.

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