Chapter 2:Accidents Happen

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The next day Vegeta had his first training session with Goku, Vegeta-chan and Goten as well as Trunks. Afterwards Bulma watched and shook her head as the five Saiyans decimated an ungodly amount of food.

"We're going to have to go grocery shopping again, I suppose," Bunny said.

"Are we gonna train some more?" the youthful Goku asked eagerly once the food was all gone..

Vegeta snorted. He'd started off training that morning with the GR set just short of being physically damaging for Goku to be in the room. His younger self had, naturally, grown up in a higher than Earth-normal gravity. The boy could have withstood more G's but his still healing injuries compensated for the different in the two full-blooded Saiyans. Vegeta knew very well that Trunks would have fled such a punishing training session within the first half-hour and had counted on getting rid of the brats equally soon. Goku and Vegeta-chan stuck it out until Bulma's mother called them to lunch and both boys were apparently ready and willing to come back for more.

"Hell no," Vegeta declared. "You think I'm going to waste a whole day training at a level you pitiful little brats can tolerate?"

Goku sighed, openly disappointed with Vegeta's decree. Vegeta-chan was already practiced at hiding most of his emotions but the slight slumping of his shoulders gave away the fact that he shared Goku's disappointment. Trunks and Goten traded an anticipatory grin: If training was over for the day then maybe they could entice their new playmates into some mischief.

The boys finished off the last of the food then Trunks, Goten and Goku headed outside. After a moment's hesitation Vegeta-chan hurried after them. When he caught up with the other three boys Goku was stretching to help relieve soreness from the morning's training session while Trunks and Goten schemed.

Goku's expression turned curious when Vegeta-chan joined him. "Why do you keep your tail wrapped around your waist?" he asked.

Vegeta-chan smirked evilly then, in a lightening fast move, lunged for the other boy's tail.

"Owiee!" Goku wailed as Vegeta-chan gave his sensitive tail a painful yank. Goku's efforts at training his tail didn't hold up against another Saiyan's strength. He glared up at the other boy and demanded. "What'd ya do that for?"

"Well, you asked," Vegeta-chan countered smugly.

Goku's eye lit up in understanding. "Oh! You do it so people can't pull your tail! That's a good idea." And just like that the incident was forgotten and forgiven.

Trunks rolled his eyes at the other boy's naivety. He knew Vegeta could have just told Goku the reason but Trunks realized he would have done the same thing to Goten and Goten would have accepted any sort of flimsy justification just like Goku had. 'Dad and I are lucky they're so easy going,' Trunks though. 'Neither of us are exactly nice people."

While Goku worked out the mechanics of convincing his tail to stay wrapped around his waist and accustomed himself to his new center of gravity Vegeta-chan came up with a question of his own. "How did the old Vegeta determine our ki levels without a scouter?"

"Huh? What'd ya mean 'Geta?" Goku asked.

"Moron. Didn't you notice? He stopped just short of doing any real damage to us."

"Geeze, don't you know anything?" Trunks asked in a superior tone. "Of course Dad could sense your ki levels."

"Without a scouter?" Vegeta-chan asked with disbelief.

"Scouters are for babies," Trunks declared. "Real fighters don't need 'em."

Vegeta-chan scowled darkly at the smirking purple haired demi-Saiyan.

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