Chapter 10:Point of No Return

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'Geta blinked. He stood up and looked around. "We're not dead anymore," he said.
"I told you not to worry," Goku-chan replied. All the same his own expression showed relief as he ran his fingers over his arm and found it was there and in working order again. "Trunks and Goten's plan must have worked."

/People of Earth, can you hear me?/1

"Hey that's Vegeta-jiji," Goku exclaimed.

/Right now a warrior risks his life against Boo to save you. But the situation is grim. Boo is far stronger even than Cell./1

"Who?" Goku wondered.

"Quiet," 'Geta snapped.

/We nee your help! Raise your hands to the sky!/1

Goku and 'Geta did as they were told and a short while later they felt their energy being drawn away.

After a few more pleas for assistance, from the older Goku then from someone called Mr. Satan, the rest of the people on Earth followed suit and Boo was defeated.

"Everyone's headed for Kami's Look-Out," Goku said. He cocked his head to one side as his sense tracked the other fighter's ki. "We should go too. I want to see that everyone's okay."

"No," 'Geta said reflexively, but once he said it he was determined not to take it back. "I went along with your stupid 'let's get killed' plan. Now we're going back and we're staying hidden until this damned Growth Phase is done with."

Goku turned large puppy-dog eyes on 'Geta. "Could we just stop by and say 'hi'? Come on, we'll go right past the Look-Out."

"You look even more like an idiot than normal when you do that. It's completely un-Saiyan," 'Geta declared. Still he knew his counterpart had been fighting to protect the Earth, had even died to do so. 'Geta wondered if that morning over the island had been some sort of temporary insanity. Maybe he wasn't really evil.

"Come on 'Geta," Goku whined.

'I do want to know what changed with the older Vegeta,' 'Geta thought. 'And it would be good to see Trunks, Goten and everyone again.'

"It's just staying 'hi', no where near as big a deal as getting killed," Goku continued.

'Geta snorted at the absurdity of comparing the two situations. "Fine, just stop whining about it," 'Geta surrendered.

They arrived at the Look-Out just in time for the older Goku's explanation of how the Boo they'd brought back from the Supreme Kai's planet wasn't evil. Once that was settled 'Geta and Goku-chan became the center of attention.

"Look at you two!" Bulma exclaimed. "You've gotten so tall."

"And skinny," Chichi added worriedly. "You need to eat more. Where have you two been?!"

The two boys exchanged an uncertain glance. "Around," 'Geta stated. His tone made it clear that he had no intension of getting more specific.

Goku leaned over and whispered to Chichi, "He looks like me." He nodded toward Goku-chan. "Do we have three sons?"

"He is you," Chichi explained. "Trunks and Goten 'borrowed' Bulma-san's Dragon Ball Radar. We haven't had a chance to send them back yet."

"Oh! And we used up all the wishes for another six-months," Goku said. He scratched the back of his head. "Sorry guys, I guess you're stuck here for a while longer."

"It's okay," Goku-chan replied. "Bulma explained how being missing for a year doesn't matter since we're in the wrong time. A year and a half shouldn't matter any more than a year. Besides, I don't think I could train very well right now." He stretched and grimaced. "Too sore."

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