Chapter 11:Epilog: Paradigm Shift

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Afterwords: Paradigm Shift

Bulma climbed out of a taxi and opened her umbrella to shield herself from the heavy rains. Then she scanned the crowds flocking toward the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai, searching for her friends. It had been three years since the battle against the Demon King Piccolo. Three years since Goku had gone off to train with Kami-sama as impossible as that sounded. A scowl marred Bulma's pretty face; three years since her no-good boyfriend had taken off on his own training trip. "That jerk never even called," she complained to herself. Puar winced as she climbed out of taxi after Bulma. Oolong just rolled his eyes, in the last few years he'd heard Bulma's complaints about her absent, on-again, off-again boyfriend way too many times.

A few moments later the young woman spotted several familiar faces.

"Hey you- Long time no see!" Bulma cried as she hurried toward Master Roshi and Lunch.

"It is you Bulma! I though so!" Lunch greeted her enthusiastically.

Master Roshi's greet was a bit too enthusiastic, "My, my, my! Look at you! You've really grown up, haven't you!" he exclaimed as he patted her rear.

"Hands off my butt!" Bulma snarled. For good measure she elbowed Roshi violently.

"Physically, at least..." Roshi muttered as he rubbed at his nose. He wondered if it was broken.

"Same to you!" Bulma snapped.

"Hey!" an almost familiar voice called.

They glanced around and spotted a tall young man wearing strange clothes and a turban. "A friend of yours?" Roshi asked. Bulma shook her head.

"Old Timer! You are back to life! Man, you all look great!" The stranger greeted them cheerfully. "Where's Kuririn and Yamcha and Tienshinhan and everybody? They in the gymnasium already?"

A stunning realization struck the group. "N-no way! G-Goku? Is it you?" they cried in disbelief. The cute, uber-powerful child they'd know had become a tall, handsome young man.

"Huh?! What are you talking about? Of course it's me!" Then Goku laughed. "Oh yeah, I grew. Everyone kept commenting about that."

"You can say that again!" Oolong exclaimed as he craned his neck back to stare up at Goku. The last time he'd seen Goku they'd been practically the same height.

The rain finally let up. Goku put up his umbrella and unwound the turban around his head. His hair was the same messy bird's nest that it had always been and somehow he just looked more right to the others once that had been revealed.

"Yoo-Hoo!" Kuririn called. They turned to see the rest of their friends approach. "Hey, we just bumped into each other over there!"

"Long time no see, Lord Muten Roshi," Tienshinhan greeted the old Master.

"I expected more of a reaction," Yamcha said.

"Maybe they're too shocked at our transformations!" Kuririn chimed in. "Look at us Lord Muten Roshi! Look how much I grew!" And indeed Kuririn had gained almost four inches.

"You look great Kuririn!" Goku exclaimed. "Now we're all here!"

"G-Goku? Is that you?" Kuririn stammered


"Goku! You idiot! I've missed you so much!" Kuririn cried as he hugged Goku. "I never got to say thank you!"

"Th-that's Goku?" a stunned Yamcha asked Tienshinhan.

"So it seems..." the equally disbelieving tri-clops replied. (From DB #14)

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