What happened?!

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Rin and I follow father fujimoto back to the monastery and I tried to help fujimoto with the monastery but as soon as I did I see him put me and rin into hiding. "(f/n), I need you to watch over rin and protect him. I know you'll do that for me. Please, take care of him." He tells me as I look at him confused. Take care of rin? But why? Well, I understand he's his son but why me?! "I DONT NEED PROTECTION OLD MAN!!!" Rin yells to him as I look back at rin then fujimoto. "But-" "just do it (f/n) for me!" He tells me as he cuts me off but all I could do is nod then he closes the door and I look back at rin. "I'm not staying here and running away." Rin calls as he walks towards the door then I see a dresser and walk up to it and opens the dresser and sees a katana. 'Kurakara.' I say as I grab the katana and I feel something like a slight burn. What is happening? "Hey rin!" I call and turn around and rin walks up towards me. "What is it (f/n)?" He asks then I show him the katana. "Sweet! I can use this to keep myself safe!" he says then runs towards the door and tries to open it as I see something else in the dresser. Two pistols and a katana? I grab it and look to face rin as I see him rin out. "RIN!!!" I yell out and when I left the room, I saw something I thought I'd never want to see again. Blue flames!! I see father fujimoto on the ground an rin puts away his sword and I just run up to father fujimoto. "Father fujimoto! FATHER FUJIMOTO!!!!" I cried out as I fall next to his now dead bloody body as I don't hold back the tears. "You can't leave now! don't go!!" I cry out as the people of the monastery watch me morn over him.


I was standing by my dead parents and then falls as reality hit me. "Mommy... daddy..... wake up... mommy! daddy! please wake up! wake up!!!" I cried to their cold bodies. I cried what seemed like forever by my parents dead bodies and burned down home. Then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see a man standing there with glasses and grey hair. "Do you have another place to live?" The man asked as I shook my head saying no. "Well, I'm Shiro Fujimoto. I'll show you a place you can stay till I find you a real home." He says as he has his hand out to help you up and walks you from your parents and burned home with your hand in his. "Thank you Shiwo Fujimodo." I said to thank the man and he just have a chuckle. "You can also call me Father Fujimoto if it's easier." He says with a smile and I nod. "What's your name and how old are you by the way?" He asks. "(f/n), (f/n) (l/n). I'm only 6." I tell him as he looks at me with shock then smiles. "I know a place you can stay and be well under my care." He says as he takes me to a abandoned house close to his home. "I'll have one of my friends come to watch and keep you safe from harm." he said and I nodded. "I'll bring you enough food and clothes and other needs with a week full of needs." He says and I nod. "thanks father Fujimodo!" I say with a smile and a bit of tears.

~end of flashback~

I felt someone rubbing my back which brought me back from my memory and saw none other then Yukio. "You ok?" he asked me and I just get up and then run out the door and going back to my abandoned home that he let me stay in under his care. It didn't matter to me anymore about anything. I didn't have father fujimoto anymore. I has nothing but the clothes on my back and my abandoned home. I had no love and care from anyone. I was where I began, beginning to hate everything, and everyone again.


I understand it took a while and it was a short chapter, but I hope you guys enjoy the chapter. Now you know the past of where it started. Thanks for reading and already had 30+ views! And it's a first time making a fanfiction so thanks everyone for reading!

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