Chapter Six

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The whole school sat in shock. No one moved and no one spoke. You could hear a pin drop. Everyone stared at me.

I felt heat pool in my cheeks.  I bit my lip harder and stood to walk to my house. Once I took my first step, it was as if something snapped.  Everyone started talking at once.

The Gryffindor House was outraged. The Slytherin House was surprisingly overjoyed and triumphant. Both houses stood and screamed at each other.

I distinctively heard Fred and James yelling, "This is rubbish! The Hat was wrong!"

The Slytherins cheered and bellowed, "We got Potter! Yeah! Take that, cats!"

The Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs talked amongst themselves and stayed mostly neutral. As I walked I looked in that direction. Lucy gave me a small smile, but Louis was too busy yelling at the Slytherins to look in my direction.

The headmaster magically enhanced his voice and yelled over the chaos, "Silence!"  Almost instantly, the great hall was quiet.

I sat down at the Slytherin table and looked toward the Ravenclaw table. Lorcan and Lysander Scamander, two twins in their third year, met my gaze. Their mother, Luna Lovegood, is my godmother. Being the Ravenclaw beaters, they are quite strong. Lorcan is shorter than Lysander, but is bulkier and appears to be stronger. Since they have identical blond hair and blue eyes, that is the only physical appearance you can judge the difference from.  Lorcan gave me an enthusiastic grin and Lysander sent me a small smile.

Professor Perkins removed the charm on his voice and addressed the school, "Everyone sit down! Now, the Sorting Hat is never wrong. I appreciate your concern for Ms.Potter, but it is not needed. For that outrageous outburst, Gryffindor House and Slytherin House will both lose twenty points." Both houses groaned.

"Let us continue with the Sorting, please." He finished.

The few last first years were sorted, but I was too lost in thought to realize. I didn't notice anything at all, until I was elbowed in the ribs.

"You good Potter?" A voice to my left asked me.

I looked over and saw the boy from the boat, Oscar Nott.  He was taller up close and a little intimidating, but he gave me what seemed to be a genuine smile.

"I'm okay. I'm just a little overwhelmed." I replied.

"Yeah. I don't know what I would do if I wasn't in Slytherin. My whole family's been Slytherins, for like ever.  You must be horrified to be away from your family." He started eating his food and waited for my answer.

"Actually, I think it will be nice to meet some new people. I'm mostly worried about what my brothers think." I took some food, but didn't bother to try and eat.

"So what's up with you, Potter? You trick the Sorting Hat or something?" A nasally voice called from across the table.  I glanced up to see a girl that looked to be a second year.  She had long blond hair and a strong build.

I held in a laugh, "Wether I tricked the hat or not, I would still be in Slytherin."

"What? You don't make any sense." She pushed her nose up and looked away.

I rolled my eyes, "If I tricked the Hat, I would be proving that I belong in Slytherin anyways."

She snorted, "You don't have to pretend like you know things, Potter.  We all know you're as stupid as a troll under your mask."

"Shut up, Letitia! You're just jealous that she's smarter than you! Fuck off and go sit somewhere else!" The girl to my right screamed at her. Letitia, I assume her name is, huffed and walked to the other side of the table.

I turned to the girl. She was obviously taller than me and she had long black hair. She had a pointed face and beautiful blue eyes.

I smiled, "Thank you. She wasn't helping."

"Anytime. She's a real pain. I don't think anyone likes her. I'm Darcy Avery, by the way." She returned my smile with a grin of her own. 

"She's my older sister, I don't even like her.  Imagine living with that." Oscar added.  Darcy and I laughed.

Maybe making friends won't be too hard.  Now I just need to get my family to accept me.

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