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Before Yara, there was the infamous Esmé and Tara

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Before Yara, there was the infamous Esmé and Tara. Her mother and grandmother. Tara was a prestigious Jedi that defeated many of the Jedi Order's greatest enemies, including Count Dooku. Tara lived a life full of adventures and tragedy. Though, her life amongst the Jedi was halted when a romantic relationship with Anakin Skywalker became toxic. Anakin has turned to the dark side, claiming it was to protect her. Tara felt like it was her fault that Anakin had turned into a powerful Sith Lord. Therefore, she ran away. She took refuge in a small village in Alderaan, living the rest of her life as a peasant with a husband and a young daughter.

Unfortunately, Tara was murdered when her daughter, Esmé, was only five years of age. Esmé investigated the death of her mother and sought revenge against her grandmother, leaving no time to discover her powers as a Jedi. When Esmé was much older, she fulfilled her revenge against the murdered of her mother— which happened to be Queen Maranarah, of the planet Varis. Who was Tara's biological mother. The Queen had tossed Tara aside when she birthed her because she was born out of wedlock, a bastardized child. Upon killing the Queen, the planet was left without an heir to their monarchical throne. Happily, Esmé claimed her lineage and stole the throne from her grandmother after having stolen her life.

Esmé was quickly courted and had two children, Alexest and Yara. Both spitting images of her. Alexest, as per the law, was given the claim of the throne, leaving Yara to seek out a life of her own. Yet, because her family was rich in influential stories of their own, she felt intimidated to live up to them in her own life.

Yara had always been fascinated with the stories of her grandmother and the Jedi. She knew not just anyone could be a Jedi Knight; and Yara was living in a time of turmoil where the Jedi were practically extinct. There was only one known Jedi left alive, Luke Skywalker. Although Yara wasn't quite sure she was so in tune with the Force like her grandmother was, she knew she wanted nothing to do with being royalty on Varis. To her, Varis was such a bland planet. A neutral planet since its birth; never participating in conflict with the rebels or, now, resistance.

The only problem was, there was only one true Jedi left in the universe... and he was the only person that could train her to become a Jedi, that is if she had the force with her. And Luke Skywalker was no where to be found. And the only person Yara thought that could know where Luke Skywalker could be was Princess Leia, or General Organa of the Resistance...

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