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"We've all been trying to find Luke, Yara

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"We've all been trying to find Luke, Yara. It all a race at this point. Even the First Order has been destroying cities to find it." General Organa spoke flatly. She didn't quite care about Yara's urgency. She brushed Yara off as a dreaming child that wanted to be something she simply was not.

"Could I help try to find him?" Yara was eager to help in anyway possible. But, General Organa, though sweet in her nature, saw Yara as a lost child. One that knew nothing about war. And Leia didn't want to be the one responsible for putting a blaster in that innocent girl's hands just for her to get killed in the process. Not only was she not going to do that because she was an innocent girl, she wasn't going to do that because Yara was royalty. Getting a princess murdered on the battlefield was not something General Organa wanted to get involved in. She could only imagine the amount of backlash she'd get and the lost of support for the resistance.

"I think it'd be better if you stay at your home. It's safe there. Send your mother my regards." General Organa placed a comforting hand on Yara's shoulder.

Yara snacked her lips. "At this rate, you will never find Luke. Might as well surrender to the First Order's army now." Yara yanked her shoulder away from Leia and stomped away. Yara was pissed. Yes, she probably could be a bit more understanding. But, throughout her upbringing, Yara could get what she wanted with the snap of her fingers. So this was quite frustrating to her.

* * *

Yara had her arms folded across her chest, her finger tips tapping her upper arms impatiently. She was mumbling profanities under her breath, angry that she wasted her time in traveling far and putting herself into danger just for her to be rejected. "Hello?!" Yara shouted for anyone to hear upon her arrival at the palace. The entire place was too quiet. Typically, there'd be someone running around trying to take care of business. However, on that particular day, the entire place seemed abandoned.

Yara wandered up into her bedroom, only to find it completely empty. Enormous sealed boxes were placed throughout her room. "What the...?" Yara sighed in annoyance, thinking that Alexest, her brother, must've requested to move her room elsewhere.

Yara walked over to one of the containers and cracked it open. She gasped upon seeing its contents. Shiny black blasters filled the container she opened. They were obviously First Order weapons as Varis didn't have anything similar and the resistance wouldn't invade Varis. Yara shot her head around to the door, then bolted out of it. She reached the hall and felt her feet pound against the cool floors. When she turned a corner, she spotted dozens of stormtroopers wandering about in that part of the palace. She skidded to a stop and ran behind a pillar to hide behind. She heard the mutters of the soldiers, but, their words were not understandable.

Yara felt her breathing her shallower as she grew more and more nervous about the situation. Why would they invade Varis? There was nothing there for them. Even the location of the planet was bad for strategic attacks. Yara's mind was flooded with inquiries that she could not answer. And she didn't plan on discovering the answers either. She wanted-scratch that- needed to get out of there asap.

Yara crept down the hall to return to what was her bedroom in order to flee through the window. She didn't get very far, for she wasn't the stealthiest. She quickly got caught by one of the stormtroopers roaming palace. "Hey you!" He shouted.

Yara gasped and spun on her heel to run, but the soldier was quicker than her and tackled her to the ground. He efficiently detained her and led her straight to General Hux, his superior. "What have we got here?" Hux analyzed Yara, recognizing her as the one they were looking for.

Yara scrunched her nose up and falsely smiled, expressing her distaste for the situation. "This is the one Kylo Ren was looking for?" The stormtrooper asked.

"Unfortunately, yes." Hux groaned, not quite understanding why he wanted such a mere girl.

"Why? What does he want with me?! He wants to kill me, ugh! I can't believe it's come to this. I shouldn't have eaten that ice cream sandwich. Maybe then I wouldn't be in this situation." Yara spoke dramatically then began to ramble off topic, confusing even General Hux.

"She's insane, literally." Hux was astonished at what a character she was.

"He wants to know what you want with Luke Skywalker. We have sources that have informed us of your interest in finding him." As Hux explained, Yara was looking up at the ceiling, swaying about and whispering lyrics to an old song she had remembered. Her mind was completely in another space.

"I'm sorry, what?" Yara broke herself out of her trance.

"My god. I thought we heard she was just bratty. Not an airhead." Hux scoffed and shook his head at her.

I'm actually quite intelligent. I just grow bored really easy. Like I did with Varis, that's why I am looking for Luke Skywalker to see if I can become a Jedi like my grandmother. Yara thought to herself. Unfortunately for her, Kylo Ren had just entered the room and could easily read her mind. And she had basically just told him exactly what he needed to hear.

"Hello, sir." Hux and the stormtrooper that caught her spoke simultaneously to Kylo Ren, trembling in his presence.

"Leave." Kylo waved them off then stood before Yara once they vacated the room.

Yara shifted her weight from one leg to the other, nervously. She didn't know what to say... hello? Good afternoon? She had never been encountered with such a situation before. Fortunately, Kylo spoke before she spat something up. "So you want to be a Jedi?"

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