Chapter 14 Trouble With the Fuzz

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The gang is my family and I would never replace them with anyone. I would never ask for anything else, I just need the gang.....

Y/n's P.O.V:

The holidays had passed so you know what that means, time to go back to school. Yay :D.... Note the sarcasm..  This year was so far good. No one got jumped by the Socs. Surprisingly, Dally isn't in the cooler for once in his life. Johnny and I are still together, so is Pony and Katie. The rest of the guys are doing ok and they are still looking for girls. Sandy, Soda's ex girlfriend came around and was asking Soda to go back with her. Saying that she misses him and that she still loves him. Soda flipped her off cuz she cheated on him and she has a kid that is not Soda's. So yeah that happened not too long ago. Anyway, Johnny, Pony, Katie and I are walking towards Pony's house well, my house too. We just got out of school, and we no homework... FINALLY WE CAN RELAX! Dally and I became best friends, and he told me that he has a soft spot for me like he has to Johnny. He told me that he will look out for me and him.

Two-Bit didn't enjoy me hanging out with Dally that much. He said that he was a "bad influence". But I didn't care, he's my pal and I loved him as a friend. Once we made it to the house, everyone was except for Darry cuz he was still at work. I dropped my bookbag on the floor and went back outside. Idk why, but I wanted to do something fun. And I knew exactly what I wanted to do. "Hey Dally, can you come here for a sec!?" I screamed so Dally could hear me. Seconds later he came outside. "Whatcha need kid?" "I'm bored, so I'm asking you if you knew what to do that's fun. Do you know?" He grinned widely. "Hell yea I do, cmon, let's tell everyone we leaving and we be back later." I already knew what he was thibking and I liked it. What do you expect? I'm the girl version of Dallas. I told the gang well, mostly to Johnny and Two and they said it was fine. We went out way walking in these streets.

"So what exactly you have in mind? I know its something illegal and I can't wait but what we gonna do?" I was smiling evily the whole way to wherever we were going. "You are going to rob the store while I wait outside to hide you." I only nodded, I was happy about doing this. Once we made it to the store, he handed me a heater and I gladly took it. It wasn't my first time using one, I use to kill rats with my dad when I was younger. That was good times back them, finally, I have a heater in my hand once again. I put the heater in my pocket and went inside. I stole I few things, a new switchblade, jewelry, and of course CANDY. Then I went up to the cashier. I didn't see Dally outside so I was guessing he was around the corner. I put everything on the counter and waited for my cue. "That'll be $10.97 ma'am." And there was my cue. I put everything quickly into my pockets and pulled out the heater. I put it on his head, he was trembling in fear. "Give me the money...GIVE ME THE MONEY!" He panicked but handed me the money. And I was off, I started running out and I looked everywhere for Dally. He wasn't here I thought. He stood me up, that son of a bitch stood me up. I heard police sirens behind me, "SHIT" I yelled out and continued running. I made it to the lot and I was surrounded. I pulled out my heater and they yelled at me to put it down. I heard running suddenly and when I looked over, it was the gang and I saw Dallas with them. I gave him a death glare and he made a face that he was sorry. I looked over to the rest of the gang. They all were shocked and Two looked at me with sad, angry, and shocked eyes.

I looked back to the fuzz, they were all pointing their heaters at me. I knew if I shoot, they would start shooting me and I would die. "Ma'am, put the gun down, we ain't gonna shoot unless you shoot." He said calmly, I looked back once again at the gang and they were all looking at me with sad faces. They knew they wanted me to put the gun down. So I did, I put the heater down and stood back up. I put my hands in the air so they would know that I surrender. Multiple cops came to me and took out everything that I had. Including the items that I was going to steal. They handcuffed me and put me in the back of the police car. I looked up and saw the fuzz talkin to the gang. They were all shocked and disappointed, while I was happy because I got what I wanted. But now I regretted it because I was going to jail and might be there for a couple of months or whatever.

We drove away and the put me in a cell. "Ya know, I really thought you were a good kid. Guess I was wrong, I've heard rumors of ya kid, they were right. Your gonna be here for 3 months or at least unless someone bails you out. The bail cost $50, but until now, your going to be here." I just nodded and smirked, it wasn't that bad. I mean, this isn't my first time. Two and I always go around disturbing property and we went to jail plenty times. But this time it was different, I used a heater and robbed a store. It was fun but, I know the gang doesn't have a lot of money. But I just hope they can bail me out. Its late now, I'm going to sleep. Man I thought, this place ain't so bad after all. Then darkness took me into a deep sleep.

(I had fun writing this chapter for some reason. I don't know why. Well anyway, hoped y'all enjoyed. See ya next time, PEACE MEH HOMIES!!! Stay Gold uwu)

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