1. Drowning In The Tub

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Oh god, you have got to be kidding me. Why does that keep happening? I meet people, settle in, maybe even have a crush on someone , and just in a matter of seconds my mother destroys it all. Guess who is moving again, this time permenatly. It's you.
Oh really, have I not just said that? Stupid conscience.

*rolls eyes*

Shut up. However, we are moving today, the worst part: I have already lived there. And it was awful. Hopefully people won't recognize me 15 years later.
Probably won't, you got so big.
I did not!
Fine, you got "tall".
I mentally smirk at myself. 1:0 for me!
I am also you. I mean me.
Right i am still talking to myself. Great.
Go find some friends.
Ok rude. But sure i agree, i am getting too annoyed with myself.

I got out of the car, since we finally arrived to our new home. I must say, it looks... pretty nice. But then again, all of our houses looked nice, my family is loaded. And i don't mean it in a cocky way, i so do not act like a rich kid, for example probably like our neighbor, which i just now see getting out of his Rolls-Royce. And he is walking over to us, waving and smiling widely.
Can you for once act like you don't hate people?
I think not. Especially this kind of people. But fine, it turns out he is my father's long lost "bestie". And it also turns out i do not hate him, he is actually the nice guy that always gave me lollipops, when we were younger. That's probably where my 2 year old memory ends. Oh wait, and i remember his wife, Mrs. Blackwell, she used to take me to the playground in the park. Such a nice lady.
It's almost 10pm and we are still unpacking. Tho the house is beautiful. On the outside it looks huge(it really is), it has a bit of a Greek vibe to it. In the front there is a big garage, since my dad is a sucker for cars, and in the back there is enough space for another small house, no joke. There is a smaller pool, but it isn't working quite yet, a table with chairs for idk barbacue and stuff like that and then there it is, really one of my favourite parts of the house, except my room in which we'll get to later, drum roll please: a tree house! A freaking house on a tree, and mum says it can be only mine, probably because she is afraid the twins might fall off it, but it's fine with me. It has nothing in it yet, so I'll have to decorate but it's gonna be great for "me time". I really like to paint so that might as well be my art studio.
So about the interior of the house, here's a word to describe it - marble. My mum is obsessed with anything marble and this house clearly shows it. They did not hold back, while buying it. So downstairs we have the marble kitchen, but it's really just the kitchen island that's marble, otherwise it's pretty much a regular kitchen. We have a huuuge living room, with a big fire place and a tv on top of it, might i add the couch is also huge but not so comfortable. Mum decided to put a rug on the ground because we have wooden floors and she doesn't want to get a cold. That's pretty much it for the first floor, except the dinning and storige room and a smaller bathroom. I never get why people need so many toilets it's nit like i can't go up to my room... However. Again marble stairs lead you to the second floor, which is mostly bedrooms, parent's, Luca's, Cam's, guest bedroom and the last is saved for the best, me. I think my bedroom might be the biggest and i really appriciate that, the problem is, my biggest window is facing our neighbor's house and as it turns out their window is also facing mine. So I'll definitely need curtains. That sucks! But i have two more windows, which makes it suck a little less. I haven't even started to unpack my room. It turns out i have a lot more stuff than i thought. The movers helped me get my bed and other bigger pieces of furniture upstairs, but now I'm on my own. And since it's already late I'll probably just do it tommorow. With that thought I lay down on my very uncomfortable blow up mattress, grab my phone and read an online book, since mine are still packed in the boxes. Few minutes or so pass, and i don't really remember what's the time when my phone lands on my face, meaning i definitely fell asleep while holding it. Groovy to have a bump on my forehead.
My usual morning would start with laying in bed until it's actually not morning anymore, but i can't afford to do that now. Mum said I should really think about changing my lifestyle, but i really do not have any intentions of trying her veganism, so thank you, next. On the second thought I will be attending school and new ballet classes, so it might be best to start doing something good for my body. Veganism isn't it.
(disclaimer: i have nothing against vegans, this character simply loves regular food way too much. That's all, no hate.)

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