2. The Meet up

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I find it harder and harder to get up. Sleeping is literally the best part of my day. However it does help me get in my normal routine if i work out in the mornings, as much as most people hate it, i kinda like it.
It's around 6am now, my alarm just went off. I MUST get up the minute i open my eyes or else there is a huge possibility i will fall back asleep, happens everytime. I put on Nike shorts and a sports bra, but put a zip up sport jacker over it. It's literally the coldest in the mornings. I put on my nike trainers and storm down to the kitchen. I make myself a smoothie and quickly drink it. Then i grab my phone and headphones and leave. I go for a jog around the neighborhood. There's a trail that is pretty secluded, so i run in the direction. I was hoping there won't be any people, but i guess not, since there's definitely a man right in front of me. Ugh. Look, i don't actually hate people, but you know sometimes you just wanna be alone. I don't need some crazy man running after me (and i mean literally running). So i was about to turn back when he starts to run after me. Literally, what's with the universe doing the exact opposite of what i want. Since i don't want to be raped, i run. Really fast. Super speed I'd say. Luckily I'm quite the sprinter. I mean i don't get tired, or as it turns out at least not when rape is the thing facing me. However, the guy behind me, might actually be an actual runner. I turn around to see his face and have the urge to transfer myself to space. It is the guy! The one from yesterday. I doubt he could do anything harmful.
Exept exist.
Good point. I slow down and take a turn to my house. But the asshole is still following me. I can't help but roll my eyes. Stalker alert. Thankfully I beat him, and got into the house without him seeing me. I think.
Then i take a shower and change into some blue jeans and a white tank top. I put my hair in a bun since it's still wet. Then i grab my backpack and run out the doorway. Yeah, barefoot. I was wondering why I'm so cold. But i didn't have time to go back to my room, i was already late. So i decide to just slip on some sandals. Later on i go and meet Rose. We walk to school together. Once again classes pass by rather fast. Right now we are in the lab, doing some crazy potions. I can't help but watch the two guys across the room. One of them is struggling so hard, he can't even pour the acid into the glass. I feel sorry for him, since the other guy, the guy, is sitting next to him and flirting his heart out with a blonde girl in front of him. And i did already finish, I'm pretty good in chemistry, and so is my partner, but she's too occupied with calculating the professors equations and trying to find a hole in them. However, i walk to the other side of the lab and go sit next to the poor guy. He's actually pretty cute. He has blonde hair and pretty grey eyes. He's also really tall and has a nice built, not bulky, but you can see he works out. Nevertheless, he looks terrified.

"Hey." i say in a kind tone and watch his eyes flicker to mine.

"Hi" he says back, also giving me a nod. He then once again tries to pour the liquid into the glass, but spills it over the counter.

"You look like you're struggling. Need a hand?" his eyes beautifully light up and his mouth turns into a big smile.

"Oh god, yes please. You're my savior!" i smile and sit down next to him. I try to think of ways to do this by not doing it all myself, but making him do it and then settle for the first idea. I slowly grab his hand, might i add a really big one, and show him how to precisely pour the acid. I pull back when the scale shows 3.5 milliliters.

"Here you go." he smiles widely. And checks the accuracy again.

"Thanks." he looks and me and sounds sincere. I nod. "You're good with hand-. er i mean chemistry, yeah, you're good in chemistry." he smiles awkwardly and i chuckle.

"You know it would be much easier if you worked in pairs." I internally roll my eyes at the sound of lips popping few feet away from us. That guy obviously has nothing better to do than kiss Regina George lookalikes.

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