5. What's With The Blushing?

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As it turns out, Theodore Blackwell is most definitely not a good guide, but to be honest that was expected.
He picked me up around 10am and drove me to the city centre. I hate to admit this but I may or may not be staring at him the entire car ride.
He didn't really show me anything I wasn't able to see or find myself, so it was literally a waist of time as well as my brain cells, that were, slowly but surely, dying each time he opened his mouth.
It's almost 4pm now and I'm stuck with him at Fanny's. He said this is where the best food is, which i already know, so i didn't mind coming. The whole day he's been telling me about the 'important' stuff that must be said, he didn't care to mention anything personal and I don't know why I'm a bit sad because of it.

"So you train balet?" he says out of nowhere and i almost choke on my fries. How did he know? I'm sure his mom said something about it at dinner and I just didn't hear.

"Yeah" i try to sound nice, not as annoying as usual, because i kinda sense he's trying to make a conversation.

"So last time when you were at the pizza place you were coming back from it?" he actually remembers that. Wow. Pleasantly surprised. I look up at him, but he was already looking at me. He diverts his gaze and I feel strangely akward.

"Yea. There was a reason why I was dress so - and i quote 'different'." I make the little marks with my hands and smile at him. Was i actually smiling at him? Ugh. STOP THAT NOW. He returns me a charming smile. Wait. He? Charming? Never.

"But you didn't bug telling me?" he asks still with a little smile on his face.

"Why would I?" i answer harsher than I should. He looks away for a second.

"Don't you care what others think?" he asks with emotionless eyes.

"Well I usually tend to. But not when others means you." i don't like being asked so many questions and he is getting on my nerves.

"And why is that?"

"I don't care what you think." i answer half truthfully. I never actually thought about it, but i think i just might be a bit hurt when he has those rude remarks.

"That's new." he says after a pause. I look up at him and see him staring somewhere, looking distant.

"What do you mean?" seems like i woke him from his trance. He shakes his head and takes one of my fries. I glare at him. And I swear i see him smirk.

"Nevermind." is all he says back. Whatever. Like i care.
But you just kinda admitted that you do.
I mentally roll my eyes. Note to self: Never listen to your inner self.

"You done?" he asks after some time, back again with his annoying voice.

"Can't I eat in peace?" i answer.

"You've been eating those fries for approximately 20 minutes."

"So?" i say back feeling sassy. He sights.

"Do you want a ride home or not?" it didn't seem much like a question. I roll my eyes but pick up my bag to take out my wallet.
What a gentleman right here, of course he left as soon as i stood up.
The ride home is silent, which i was more than fine with. I'm so annoyed with him right now I might outburst if I hear him say a syllable.

"Thanks." is all I say as i step out of his BMW. Duh, it's the sleek black one, probably the newest edition and duh again, he has it. He just nods in my direction and drives off as soon as I'm out.

I give my mom a 'never do that to me again' look, but give her the silent treatment.
I go up to my room and read a book. I can't stop thinking about Gray. I want to see him right now. I hope it's not too late but i text him if he has some time to spare right now.

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