10. wakey wakey

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"what's taking them so long?" minyoung grew impatient at her third time microwaving the fried chicken in attempts to keep it warm.

she stormed over to ji-eun's room, frustrated. she opened the door and her raging mood had calmed down, after seeing all the children sleeping. the two toddlers on the bed, and the older ones leaning against the side of the bed, facing each other.  being the sneaky mother she is, she decided to grab hoseok's camera and quickly snapped a couple photos of them all sleeping. 


y/n opened her eyes. she took her time adjusting to the bright sunlight coming from the window, that had mysteriously opened. has someone else come in here? as soon as she was fully awake, her eyes met hoseok's, as he was staring at her as soon as she woke up.

"good morning." he said groggily.

"were you watching me the whole time?"  

he nodded. "i'm sorry, i can't help not looking at someone sleeping right in front of me."

"that was your fault. you sat next to me." she said, sitting upright, stretching out her back.

there was another awkward silence between them.

"hey, i'm sorry for leaving so suddenly during that dinner last night. i just feel really uncomfortable around adults, nothing personal with your mum, it's just my problem."

"no, i understand. you've lived the majority of your life without an adult figure, so it makes sense that you wouldn't know how to be around an adult, no offence. it's like not knowing how to ride a bike, without having ever seen or touched a bike." 

she was shocked at how understanding he was. she was sure he would take offence. she couldn't help but smile at him. 

"i like it when you smile." he said, truthfully. she rolled her eyes. again with the sappy, cliché stuff. 

she pulled out her phone that oddly survived the whole night without dying. it was around 9:00am. thankfully, it was the weekend, so they didn't have to worry about school, or work. but had she really slept here that long?

"oh my gosh, it's nine. i'm so sorry we stayed here for so long!" she said, hurriedly fixing her hair and clothes. she didn't like to be a nuisance to other people, especially people who she had just met the night before. 

"oh no, stay as long as you want! we don't mind." he said smiling. she didn't want to wake up jungkook, just in case if he wanted to keep sleeping. but it was too late for that.

"noona? what's the time?" jungkook said, rubbing his eyes. he then looked next to him to see that ji-eun was still sleeping. his eyes widened.

"noona! why did you let me sleep next to ji-eun?!" he whisper-shouted. his face was flushed and he tried getting out of the bed as softly as possible, not to wake her up. 

"jungkook, you were already sleeping next to her when i walked into the room. it would be rude of me to wake you up, especially when you looked that comfortable next to ji-eun." she said with a giggle.

"but it's embarrassing." he got a little bit closer to her and whispered in her ear. "what if i farted in her bed and she heard me!?" he hugged y/n in fear.

"kook, don't worry about that. i'm sure it wasn't that loud."


hoseok watched from the side and could tell that jungkook had a little crush on his sister, ji-eun. he couldn't blame him though. the good news was that he was pretty sure she liked him too. it was a match made in heaven. or more like a match made on the soccer field. he blanked out until y/n interrupted his thoughts.

"hoseok, we're gonna leave now! hope we weren't too much trouble." she was rushing out the door, desperate to go home.

"wait!" she turned back to face him. "could i get your number?" she sighed.

"okay, then." he handed his phone over to her, and she put in her number. he couldn't help but smile at her actions. did he like her? too early to think about that. 

"well, smell you later hoseok!"

"bye, hyungie!" jungkook waved.

"bye bye soccer star." 


jungkook and y/n safely made it home, however, she had to say it was very hard for her to get out of the house. minyoung was desperately attempting to try and feed them breakfast. she sort of just said "no, thank you" and walked out of the house. it might seem rude, but at least it worked.

jungkook was in the shower and y/n was in the living room, trying to find something to find something to watch on tv. that was until her phone went off. 


unknown: hey y/n! :D

me: is this hoseok?



wus poppin chiquitos and chiquitas :)) this was kind of a boring chapter in my opinion, but i just need y/n and jk to leave the house LOL. but ur gonna get a little messaging action between the two. i feel like that's basic, but i like it so 🤷

anyways see y'all in two days when I upload next :D

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