18. hold my hand

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^^ i'm sorry sksksksks

the two were so excited and went on a rollercoaster together. 

"you sure you won't be scared?" y/n wanted to make sure that ji-eun really wanted to ride the coaster.

"don't worry unnie! this is super fun!" ji-eun was so excited, there was confetti coming out of her ears.

"cart for two?" the conductor asked.


"step right in! make sure the restraints are locked in, and that you hold on tightly. enjoy!"

"thank you ahjussi!" ji-eun said. 

the train buckled, and they were off! the ride was filled with ups and downs, and they were having the time of their lives. soon the ride was over, and they got off, dissatisfied. 

"unnie, that one was fun! but i wish i could ride the big one." she pointed to the largest ride in the park, and had a little pout on her face. she wasn't tall enough to ride it, and was disappointed.

"we'll go later when you're a little taller, okay? that's my promise." she held up her pinky finger. ji-eun latched onto her pinky and smiled.

they spotted the other two as they got off; they were playing that game were you throw darts at water balloons to try and earn a prize. they both screamed and started jumping, and y/n assumed that they had won a prize. jungkook pointed to a stuffed bear and a lady passed it to him. as soon as he got his prize, he saw ji-eun and ran over. 

"ji-eun! this is for you!" he passed over a small white bear, and ji-eun's face lit up. 

"kookie! i love it so much!" they hugged once more, the bear in the middle of both of them. 


they all sat down on a bench, scarfing down hotdogs that hoseok had bought. he took pictures on his camera as they ate. 

"guys, it's getting dark, we should head home." hoseok said.

"can we all go on one more ride, please? altogether this time?" ji-eun said.

"i don't mind." 

"of course!"

they all looked at hoseok. his eyes squinted.

"ugh, fine."

"yes! let's goooo!!" ji-eun was even more excited than before. he held jungkook's hand, and they ran off. 

y/n stood up, ready to walk off. hoseok was hesitant.

"hey, i know you don't want to ride it, but do it for ji-eun, yeah?" she then held out her hand in his direction. "and do it for me too." 

hoseok was sold. he reached out his hand to hold hers. "let's go."

they held hands all the way to the ride. just like jungkook and ji-eun had. they all made it to the same ride that y/n and ji-eun rode beforehand. the same 'ahjussi' was there. 

jungkook and iu in one cart, hoseok and y/n behind them. y/n, looking in front of her, could tell jungkook was super scared. y/n leaned forward, and decided to tell ji-eun a little something.

"hey, ji-eun. make sure you hold kookie's hand. he looks really scared, make sure he feels comfortable."

"i was going to do that anyway, unnie, don't worry." she said, smirking.

the train buckled once more, and hoseok grabbed onto y/n's arm and held on for dear life. the ride started to accelerate, and hoseok and jungkook started to whine. the ride was slowly going up and was about to drop. as soon, as it did, the boys started screaming. very loud.



the girls started laughing. soon, the ride came to a stop and the boys ran out of the cart and fell to the ground. it was like they were the same person. y/n was laughing so much, she was both crying and getting an ab workout at the same time. 

she took hoseok's camera, the one she had been holding onto the whole ride (hoseok was busy holding onto something else), and took a photo of the two, and how ridiculous they looked.

ji-eun gave kook a hug and he instantly felt relieved, and calm. y/n walked up to hoseok who was panting on the ground. 

"come on, you big baby. let's go home." she held out her hand like she did before, and she helped him off the floor. he held her hand and ji-eun held her other hand. they all walked to the car together, satisfied with today's sibling date.

well, some more than others.


four pizza rolls, and two cups of coffee later, y/n was ready for bed, after a long day. she changed into her sweatpants, and her tank top. she laid in bed, ready to turn the lights off, but of course she had to wait for hoseok. she just laid in bed, and she was just scrolling through spotify, looking for more songs. 

she didn't realise that hoseok was in the room, as well. changing into his pyjamas.

  ♪  caught in a lie   ♪  she started singing quietly to herself. 

"oh my gosh, y/n!" hoseok said. she sat up, and hoseok was shirtless.

"oh, crap sorry! i didn't hear you come in!" she said, covering her head with her blanket.

"i didn't know you were in here! i literally thought it was an empty bed."

there was an awkward silence, until y/n spoke up.

"can you turn off the lights, at least? i'm tired."


the lights went out and they both laid in their respective beds.

"good night."

"night, hoseok."



little more cliché action wassup

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