12. joy

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"um, come in." y/n gestured for them to enter the house. "sorry, it's really small."

"why are you apologising? i love it! it feels so home-y." he glanced around the house in awe, and so did ji-eun.

"okay marge, take a seat." 

"kook! ji-eun and hoseok are here!" she was sure  he had been furiously cleaning his room, hiding in fear or both. either way, he looked very nervous coming out of his room.

y/n immediately grabbed his shoulders and guided him to the couch to sit right next to ji-eun. on purpose, of course. 

"do you guys want anything to drink or eat?" 

"do you have any apple juice, unnie?" 

"i'm pretty sure we do. hoseok, anything?" 

"water would be nice, thank you." 

y/n went straight to the kitchen to get their drinks. unfortunately, she didn't have enough apple juice for both ji-eun and jungkook, so she just put two straws in the one cup. maybe there would be some cute bubble blowing or something.

she sighed. she started to feel like one of those mums that would go out of her way to get her son to get with the girl that he always wanted. she didn't realise that it came to this point. 

she then poured hoseok a tall glass of water. 

'basic.' she thought. 

walking out of the kitchen to the living room, she held both cups in her hands. she set them on the table. they thanked her.

"hey jungkook, i didn't have enough apple juice for both of you guys. hope you don't mind sharing."

"that's okay, noona." jungkook was totally not okay. he was internally freaking out at the thought of him sharing juice out of the same cup with ji-eun.

she looked over at the two and the way they drank out of the cup from both of the straws. she couldn't help but feel proud that her little jungkook is making moves with his girl. she wondered if she felt the same. 

hoseok sat on the couch staring at y/n instead

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hoseok sat on the couch staring at y/n instead. he couldn't help but scoff at the small little action that she did in order for the two to become closer. but he appreciated her trying. 

jungkook wanted to explode. he was right in front of his crush, feeling super embarrassed and nervous. 

ji-eun loved the apple juice. she looked up at jungkook, who was oddly staring at her. she sat up and remembered. 

"oh kookie! here's your bottle. you left it in my room when you slept over." she handed it to him. 

when jungkook went out to grab it, his hand brushed hers. he felt himself go even redder. 

"t-thanks." he cowered away in the arm rest of the couch, where he was sitting. 

she didn't realise it, but hoseok and y/n were just staring at the two, and how they would interact with one another. they didn't say anything; they were just intersted in the lives of their younger siblings. 

"aww! kookie, you're so cute when you blush!" she jumped towards the boy, and wrapped her arms around him. she rest her head on his shoulder, and jungkook froze. he had no absolute idea what he was doing, or what he should do. he decided to, bravely, snake his arm around her as well. this made them even closer.

he couldn't believe that he did that. he wasn't regretting it, he was just surprised at his own confidence.

hoseok, staring at the two, thought it was the perfect opportunity to take a photo. before they could see or say anything, he grabbed his camera and snapped a photo of the two. 

he looked at y/n on the adjacent couch, and saw her widest, and most beautiful smile. her eyes crinkled when she smiled, and he quickly pointed the camera towards her and took a photo. this was a rare occasion where y/n would smile, and he thought of himself as the luckiest man, catching the moment on his camera. he himself, couldn't contain his smile and unleashed his blinding smile.

they made eye contact and they giggled, happy at the sight of jungkook and ji-eun, but also at each other's happiness.

y/n loved it. she loved seeing jungkook all giddy, and happy with her. he loved seeing everybody being so happy in a room. this must be the best memory she's made in a very long time. 



here's some fluffy fluffiness with some extra fluff. dang y'all, when i imagined this in my head it was so cute, and im picturing the next chapter as well and it's probably even cuter so hope y'all r ready for that 🤠🤠

totally unrelated but i learnt the bbibbi choreo today and i feel so accomplished whoop whoop

also if you know where that image is from ill give you a virtual high five :)

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