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Chapter 1-

6:31 a.m.

I was peaceful asleep until my alarm rings.

Y/N: 7:30 a.m. Great, school.

I said as I roll my eyes and get off the bed.

Y/N: Oh. Hey, I'm Y/N and today, I'm changing school for the millionth times. It's not like changing to a whole new school, but I'm transfer to another campus. Why? Well few weeks ago, I got into a fight and my lovely parents decided to transfer me to other campus. And for some reasons, this school has the same name but 4 different campuses with different owners, rules and blah blah blah... I was in northern but now, I transfer to eastern. Today is the my first day.

After a long explanation, I went to take a shower and come back with full glam looks. I went over to my closet and pi-


I shouted as I panicked to what I see.

Y/N: MOM!!!

My mom opened the door of my room with an innocent smile.

Mom: Yes, honey?
Y/N: A little explain, please?

I said as I smile in anger, waiting for her answer.

Mom: Well.... Your father and I decided to have a little change for you...

She said STILL has that innocent smile on her.

Y/N: Change?? A little change??!

If you wondering why I'm panicking, my freaking closet is fill with this disgusting clothes that those nerd people would wear.
No offense....

Mom: Listen, young lady.

I stopped and wait for the explanation.

Mom: You have been in alots trouble and we're not letting that happened again. So,-
Y/N: MOM!! I am not going to school with that!
Mom: Listen! You have to behavior like those people that you been bullied before, for a month and stay out of trouble!

I was already agreeing to her since I have no choice. If I tried to win her, I'll end up wih no credit cards for months or worst, Year!

Y/N: *sigh* Any-
Mom: Yes. You can have all those clothes and accessories back, whenever you're going out with your close friends. And also, you can't let anyone know about this. I guess you understand what I meant.
Y/N: Yes.....
Mom: Oh! From now on, you have to walk to school half ways.
Y/N: W-what?!
Mom: Your driver will drive half ways and the rest walk. And you will be using Iphone 7 plus.
Y/N: Not that bad...

With that Mom went out of my room, but come back in.

Mom: Honey! It's only 6:55. So, you can relax.

She knows that I gonna shouted so, she ran out right away after finishing her sentence. I just sighed...

Y/N: what's a great start...

8:17 a.m.

I'm all dressed and ready to faced the day as a nerd. My driver dropped me midway and I continued to walk to school. Suddenly, my phone rings.

Y/N: Hello?
???: Hey! Where are you? I been waiting for you like for ages!
Y/N: Almost there...
???: I'm in front of the gate so, find me.
Y/N: Saw you!
???: Where?!!!

I hunged up and run to her. I was few steps aways from her.

Y/N: Sumin!!!!

I was so excited that I have forgotten my appearance. As I reach out for a hug, she stopped me and said some ridiculous words to me.

Sumin: uhhh eww, no. Who do you think you are?

She rolled for her eyes at me. Then I quickly realised what the hell I am, I spanked her head.

Sumin: Ow! She rasied her hand ready to slap me.
Y/N: Do it and we'll be over.

I said as I take off my glasses. Yes, I am wearing a stupid glasses but it was cute and all..

Sumin: Y/N?

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