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Chapter 3-

Class was over and it's lunch time. I met Sumin in the cafeteria and I told her about what happened.

Sumin: Yep! It's him.
Y/N: D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G!!
Sumin: You have to admit, he's hot.
Y/N: You have a points...

I was going to put my food in mouth but all those fangirling and screaming, distracted me. I'm about to shut them up but Sumin stopped me.

Y/N: What?!

She looks at me from head to toe then, a "oh" let out of my mouth. I sit back down.

Sumin: They're here.

She look over to the side where all those people shouting about. I followed her gazes and it's Jungkook with 6 other guys. 3 of them seem to be nice but, the other 4..... NAH!

Sumin: That's Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung and... Jeon Jungkook, you already know him.

She said while pointing at each one of them.

Y/N: Well, those 3 seem nice.

I was pointing at Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, and Jung Hoseok.

Sumin: Yeah, they are very mature.

I furrow my eyesbrows while looking at that guys, Min Yoongi.

Y/N: He looks mature too but why-

Sumin follow my gazes and land of Min yoongi.

Sumin: He won't mess with you as long as, you don't touch him.
Y/N: oh.

I look over again and accidentally make eyes contact with Jungkook. He smirked at me as I really shly and nervously look away.

*Bell rings*

Sumin: Gotta run!
Y/N: Yeah and make sure you fall!

She gives me a dead glance before, continue walking. I also went back to my class.

4:07 p.m.

The class should have thanks me. If not me, Mr. Lee would let us out at 4:40 or something. When it was around 3:50, I started to give him puppy eyes telling him to let us out early and refused at first but, give up in the end.
Jungkook..... The thought of him making me narrow my eyes as I remember what he did in class time, he been trolling, teasing, and bullying me all days. And his flirt ass keep flirting with girls! I wanna kill him but I can't do anything. If so, I'm breaking my promise with mom.

I texted Sumin to see if she's out yet. She said 5 minutes more so, I have to wait. I found a bench so, I went and sit over there. Out of nowhere, there were shadow blocking the light. I was on my phone and I didn't bother to look up and see.

???: Hey, kiddo.

That's voice.... I think for a second and NOO! It was Jungkook. I looked up. As expected, it was him.
I lay back and crossed my legs and arms, giving him a anonymous face. I was forgetting who I am and said.

Y/N: You need?

I said it short and bold. But then, reality hit and I quickly look down, get back to my normal sitting spots.

Jungkook: *scoff* What? Being strong?

He said as he grab my chin to look up to him. I avoid and look at the 2 others, smirking.

Jungkook: ANSWER ME!

Before I could say any, a voice grab everyone attention.

???: You can stop now, Jungkook.

I know clearly who that voice belongs to.
He let go of my chin and smirked at the owner of the voice earlier. I also turn around.

Jungkook: Very funny, Sumin.

He let out a sarcastically laugh.

Sumin: Don't mess with her or you going to regret it.
Jungkook: What you gonna do?

He did a scared face that are really punch-able.

Sumin: I'm not gonna do any but-
Y/N: That's enough, Sumin.

Now, I'm in the center on attention.

???: Can't believed Sumin, the popular girl, standing up for a nerd.

Sumin and I give him a dead glances. It was Taehyung that saying that. Then, Jimin said something which give attention.

Jimin: Come on, let go!

He walk past, followed by Jungkook and Taehyung.
Sumin rushed to me as soon as they walk away.

Sumin: My baby~ What did they do to you?

I cringed at her word. I just rolled my eyes at her and started walking away from the scene.

Y/N: You're going?

I asked her as my back walking away from her.

Sumin: Coming!

6:58 p.m

I dropped Sumin at her house and come back home.

Y/N: I'm home.

Telling my dad and mom on the sofa.

Mom: How's school, hun?
Y/N: Thanks to my dear parents, it was great.

I said having a hind of sacastic tone in it.

Mom: Go, take shower and eat your dinner.
Y/N: Where you going?
Dad: We're having family dinner. Wanna come?
Y/N: I'll pass.

I smiled and go to my room.
I did what mom told and quickly to bed since, today was tiring.
I said as I stared at the ceiling.

Y/N: Long ways to go. This is just the beginning.

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